making female pollen


Active Member
...this is what it looks like if you over do it a bit. ...Trousers is right, cs is very safe in this application.

peace, bozo

btw, if you go check out that link i posted you might could learn how to make and use the stuff, ...just sayin'.
lol modern day smurf and this guy took 20 oz of cs for 20 years before he smurfed up
Sad the blue man just died this past week, I think he was 62. RIP Poppa smurf. There are a couple tutorials on making your own on this site.


Well-Known Member
Errr...wouldn't you be better off cloning it if you want to grow more? Let it re-veg in 18/6 then take cuttings. Then if you want seeds you can pick a tasty male and do it the old fashioned way.
Or you can take 2 clones. CS one to make the Female pollen. Then pollinate the other one and make Fem Seeds.:weed:


Active Member
ok im pretty sure to make cs you need silver x2 and a dc power supply and water. and i think you connect one peice of the silver to the negative and one to the positive and suspen only the silver in the water an turn the power on. p.s. you also need croc clips to connect the silver to power supply. lol i haven't done this. this was an educated guess.


Well-Known Member
...because you don't know what you are doing bro, you think you do but you don't and i mean no offense, it's just a fact proven by what you've written here.

first, the method you are attempting is called rhodalization and basically all that means is you let a flowering plant continue flowering way past it's 'done' date in the hopes that it will hermie, ...not very reliable at the best of times and flat impossible with some strains.

plus, you are attempting this on a plant that you've just harvested so despite the fact that you've left some vegetation, right now that plant's best shot is at revegging, not feminizing.

...i know you've said you don't want to use CS and frankly i wouldn't recommend it at this time myself but here is a thread on feminizing using CS that discusses the feminization process in some detail, enough so you'll learn why what you are attempting won't work.

My first colloidal silver generator (photos) i said bro, i mean no offense and i only jump in to save you from several wasted weeks that will end in failure, ...instead focus your attention on revegging that plant if you like it so you'll have a gene pool to work with, then take clones and force one to turn and use it's pollen to pollinate it's clone sister.

peace, bozo
ok im pretty sure to make cs you need silver x2 and a dc power supply and water. and i think you connect one peice of the silver to the negative and one to the positive and suspen only the silver in the water an turn the power on. p.s. you also need croc clips to connect the silver to power supply. lol i haven't done this. this was an educated guess.
...if you took the time to read the thread i already linked too then you wouldn't be 'pretty sure','d know.



Well-Known Member
...i guess you think your link is better than mine, lol. ...except mine is to a discussion, ...where you can ask questions, ...of the original poster and many others who have followed his lead over the last several years.

...but hey, you go read your little article.



Active Member
lol bozo your only too right. i was just stating what i knew roughly about electrolysis