Making fun of how people die

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In 2012 I drove out to San Diego-LA from NY by myself with my motorcycle attached to my Jeep on a trailer and drove like that, at least twice a week. Driving between cars on a motorcycle is legal in CA and sometimes on the 5 and 405 there would be upward of 5 miles of traffic. I can remember speeding for miles between cars, how I wasn't decapitated by a side view mirrors is still something I mull over. What did I get from this? A fear of driving motorcycles. I wont get on one again. Nothing to laugh about..

In 2007, drunk, I witnessed a man on the Kingston, NY Bridge on his way to committing suicide. I stopped my car and had a good five minute conversation with him about his choices. I even grabbed the vertical bars below the railing and hung one handed, above 200 feet of cement-like flatten your face-in water with about 15 feet of mud less than 20 feet below the surface. I did it in a humorous attempt to try and change his mind. I think it shocked him. What's funny, is he actually changed his mind and decided to come with me to a diner to talk! Up until the police arrived. Then he ran for the railing and climbed over, I grabbed him. He kicked and pulled, I held onto his jacket sleeves. Two police surrounded me and basically pried him from my hands. He fell about 15 feet, smacked his head on one of the bridge expansion joint platforms and tumbled into the darkness. The cops grabbed me and shook me and asked me what happened, like I had done it to him. It all ended ok for me, but It was also nothing to laugh about. I have a serious fear of heights now, especially when I remember I hung one handed off that bridge. I moved from the area but crossing that bridge haunted me for years. I have been diagnosed with PTSD over it. I have also been diagnosed with all of the rest of the mental illness conditions. Lol.

From 2018 to 2020 I spent two summers hunting down copperhead and timber rattlesnake dens in the Hudson Valley, working on a 400 page guide to historical snake dens and snake hunting in general (this type of 'hunting' involves a camera, no guns). The book was mostly a gift for the DEC and specialized conservationists and rattlesnake experts that work to protect these species and man did I see a lot of snakes. I've seen piles of rattlesnakes, I pet a copperhead on the edge of a cliff. It was at a place I actually visited for many years, maybe back to 2005? All of the new sites were filled with surprises and challenges, many of these places haven't been visited by anyone in years. Rocky cliffs deep in the woods. I saw beauty in nature on a different level. People think I'm insane for getting so close to venomous snakes in the wild, not once did I worry, which I agree is unnatural. But they never bit me, and I sometimes got close enough to have noticed notice them and nearly step on them. When I think about it - its the cliffs I was on and piles of rocks, the thought and memories of it scare me. In retrospect, I'm also scared of snakes now. It comes and goes when the reality of it hits me that they could potentially kill me. We are meant to be afraid. I somehow shut this stuff down. I try to detach I guess. and then the fear goes away.. maybe that's no good..

I'm also the son of a man who was murdered by a well known mafia hitman and I have seen many sides of death in my life so far. I am certainly, certifiably insane. If I die in some weird way and people laugh about it, I certainly wouldn't be surprised..

I do think about the police and ambulance workers who have to clean up the scenes of all these insane things that are happening that most people shut out. Those things you read about every day: man murders wife, sets children on fire. Girl keeps child in home with decomposing husband, etc etc. Its endless...

In my opinion life itself is one big, sick joke... Long live those of us that are still here
Incredible story. So sorry. My first thought as I was reading your story was that you would be bound to get PTSD. FYI, MDMA combined with therapy is being research tested again as treatment and I think the results are promising. I believe but not sure that program is strictly for war veterans at this time however. Another successful program for vets is a program where the patients gather to go fly-fishing; a quiet, peaceful time together far from the madness. I just started practicing meditation and find it helpful, slow, but helpful. Please research this a little. There is hope.

Peace & happiness to you, Bro

PS - One more point. I believe you are correct that stuffing it down isn't good, not for you or your relationships. My guess is that writing your story brought back those horrible emotions. I think PTSD can only be handled in tiny increments. This might be where meditation might help. It's something you can do today. What you are going through is natural. You aren't flawed or weak. Please seek help.
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I guess it's more of a context based thing?Learning a random stranger died because of their own idiocies, funny as hell. Learning a family member died from their own idiocies, sad. Also depends on how sensitive each individual is and what their views and experiences about death are like.
I promise you if you were my relative and died under horrible, or just any circumstances, I'm still going to muster up something funny to say about your cold dead ass. Something you did, something you said. ...something. We all do stupid shit in life, that we should be called out for in death. It's funny. Even if just for a moment.
And you right wing nut jobs want a Christian ethnostate. Fucking clown thinks America has a left. How the fuck are you so stupid you think democrats are leftists. Implementing a Keynesian welfare state is not socialism or communism, it’s how you protect capitalism during an economic crisis. I bet I’d talk you like this in real life. Fucking clown ass moron.

Ultimate keyboard warrior here I see.
... thinks America has a left. How the fuck are you so stupid you think democrats are leftists.
There is a left. It's just what's left over. Any radical actors or speakers get shot. Any radical thinkers get imprisoned, for drugs usually. Everything is working as planned.
And the middle is to the right, so the left has no ground to hold. It sucks, but it is reality. There is no left, there is no support for the left. It is pissing into high wind for principle?
I already throw my votes away in my state. Just on record to say that i disagreed with everyone around me, I guess. It all seems like an exorcise in futility.
And if they don't want to be saved, why would I waste my life trying to save them? That's Buddha or Jesus' job. Cant even convince them to be nice. Think they will see that giving away houses and stopping homelessness would fix a lot of social problems at once? And save money, which is what they think they are concerned about. Think these racist fucks care that the justice system is rigged against minorities? No. They make it that way. There is no fixing the social woes in America with the current batch of Americans. Maybe after some bad times, people will want to come together and help each other. Not right now.
There is a left. It's just what's left over. Any radical actors or speakers get shot. Any radical thinkers get imprisoned, for drugs usually. Everything is working as planned.
And the middle is to the right, so the left has no ground to hold. It sucks, but it is reality. There is no left, there is no support for the left. It is pissing into high wind for principle?
I already throw my votes away in my state. Just on record to say that i disagreed with everyone around me, I guess. It all seems like an exorcise in futility.
And if they don't want to be saved, why would I waste my life trying to save them? That's Buddha or Jesus' job. Cant even convince them to be nice. Think they will see that giving away houses and stopping homelessness would fix a lot of social problems at once? And save money, which is what they think they are concerned about. Think these racist fucks care that the justice system is rigged against minorities? No. They make it that way. There is no fixing the social woes in America with the current batch of Americans. Maybe after some bad times, people will want to come together and help each other. Not right now.
while it does require people to accept what they're saying, most of what you just wrote is the direct result of the media's biased reporting for decades...they write scornful articles about any political group that doesn't hew to their line, and that is what people read, and what many of them then think is true...opinion has no place in the news. news should be the reporting of facts, and facts alone. if people then want to watch magazine programs, where political pundits analyze the news and give their opinions, that is their choice, but newscasters should be prohibited from trying to pass off opinion as facts
while it does require people to accept what they're saying, most of what you just wrote is the direct result of the media's biased reporting for decades...they write scornful articles about any political group that doesn't hew to their line, and that is what people read, and what many of them then think is true...opinion has no place in the news. news should be the reporting of facts, and facts alone. if people then want to watch magazine programs, where political pundits analyze the news and give their opinions, that is their choice, but newscasters should be prohibited from trying to pass off opinion as facts
Could be. Product of the environment. What do we know? Mostly what we are told.
I could be wrong, Ive done it before. But, I'd love to be proven wrong. And while there could be a new day dawning...I don't see it coming.
I don't believe everything I hear. I lean left relative to my local peers. I would love to vote for a left candidate, but then it's Bernie or Stein and, I don't agree. So, they dont have enough support to win. And they only split the left vote, which makes it statistically easier for the other party to win. So, just a viscous cycle.
People don't read anymore.
It's why I feel that we can't help the situation with the people we have. I feel the best course of action is to try to mitigate damages, and given some time, maybe some will see through the shit. I doubt it though.
Could be. Product of the environment. What do we know? Mostly what we are told.
I could be wrong, Ive done it before. But, I'd love to be proven wrong. And while there could be a new day dawning...I don't see it coming.
I don't believe everything I hear. I lean left relative to my local peers. I would love to vote for a left candidate, but then it's Bernie or Stein and, I don't agree. So, they dont have enough support to win. And they only split the left vote, which makes it statistically easier for the other party to win. So, just a viscous cycle.
People don't read anymore.
It's why I feel that we can't help the situation with the people we have. I feel the best course of action is to try to mitigate damages, and given some time, maybe some will see through the shit. I doubt it though.
the republicans have the biggest vote splitter ever to deal with...trump is not only likely to run, splitting the republican vote for president in 24, he's endorsing horrible candidates for this years elections, making it that much easier for democratic candidates to win...just vote the straight democratic ticket till we get a strong majority, pick the candidates endorsed by the party, then you can start picking and choosing, once we have a strong place to stand...right now it's back to vote for anyone but trump, or any republican
really? you have some pussy fears...i don't want to be eaten alive or gored to death by an animal large enough to do either...i could give a shit what song is playing while it's happening...
Yawn at those deaths. The mental hell is the real scary part of death. Johnny Got His Gun type shit.
Yawn at those deaths. The mental hell is the real scary part of death. Johnny Got His Gun type shit.
it's all subjective i guess, the "psychological" part of fear is different for everyone...what actually gets me is helplessness...i can deal with most human assailants, and those i can't aren't likely to come in contact with me. i can't reason with or kick the ass of a shark, a brown bear, a moose...the sound track is just sprinkles on the sundae to me.
it's all subjective i guess, the "psychological" part of fear is different for everyone...what actually gets me is helplessness...i can deal with most human assailants, and those i can't aren't likely to come in contact with me. i can't reason with or kick the ass of a shark, a brown bear, a moose...the sound track is just sprinkles on the sundae to me.
Well imagine getting eaten alive by a pack of hyenas while some Florida Georgia Line song is bumping out of your safari jeep's stereo system 10 feet away.
Well imagine getting eaten alive by a pack of hyenas while some Florida Georgia Line song is bumping out of your safari jeep's stereo system 10 feet away.
never having been attacked by a pack of hungry anything, all i can do is conjecture that while it might make the experience even less pleasant, i'm pretty sure the being consumed alive part is going to eclipse what ever is playing on the radio...if it ever comes up, i'll try to post about it before they eat my hands
never having been attacked by a pack of hungry anything, all i can do is conjecture that while it might make the experience even less pleasant, i'm pretty sure the being consumed alive part is going to eclipse what ever is playing on the radio...if it ever comes up, i'll try to post about it before they eat my hands
Just beware of the a space between fighting for your life and being dead.
Serious reply, yes, I remember.

And quite honestly that is the only reason I haven't got it. When the government says "for your safety" I run the other way. Besides the fact of getting covid 3 times and being totally fine.

If Bill Gates with event 201 didn't happen, If Fuaci didn't lean left and followed science and not politics, if my insurance covered the costs and not the federal government, and the push for it, I would have probably got it.

Call me a conspiracy theorists, I don't care. The whole thing just seems shady and I took my chance of getting sick without the vaccine and never felt better. While my neighbor has it now, double vaxed with booster and I am picking up groceries for them.

Bill Gates... The only thing I might listen to from him is financial advise.

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here is an interesting video where bill gates on a talk group forum is analyzed by a medical doctor . the date of this video is february 20 , 2022

next on this video is discussing the new variant BA.2 . this next video was made 6 days ago , which would be march 19th , 2022 . lets see what he says now in time .

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