Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

whats your favourite

  • hash

    Votes: 156 42.6%
  • hash oil

    Votes: 99 27.0%
  • butter

    Votes: 66 18.0%
  • thc pills

    Votes: 40 10.9%
  • ticture

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • other please list

    Votes: 16 4.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
wow i never woulda thout of using that stuff tho... i dont even now what its for exactly lol but as long as it work... thanks for the awsome contribution.

id rep ya but i gotta sprad some love lol sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
quick question, (and im sorry if this is a studpid question) im looking to smoke my hash. is it possible to boil away the excess liquids in BHO to make it a smokable substance or would dripping it over the buds before smoking even work?


Well-Known Member
yeah man. i dont really like spotting or eating it either.

what you can do is POWDER some bud or kief up and rub it through the honey oil. eventually this will give you the texture of hash.. if done right even look really similar.

its what i do it makes it more managable... just put a bit on top of your cone

anyhoo yes you can just put it on the top of a cone or bud as is if you want..
its thats also what i do..

or you could wipe it on the edge of a joint if that tickled your fancy.


Well-Known Member
im not sure what you meant about excess liquids... just wait for it to dry to an oil and most of that is THC

are you talking about the water that gets left behind?? that dries out eventually. theres a few ways to speed it up tho.

as long as you let the butane evaporate youll be right... dont be suprize when it sets on fire.. its supposed to do that if its decent..

when you smoke hash it loses a lot in the stem and what not through sucking.. dont discard this it will be the best bong resin ever.. good for times when your hard up lol.


Well-Known Member
true thanks for the tips. i dont think im up for "flare ups" and fire for this process lol. im going to stick with everclear (180 proof) and make a tincture that i will either let evaporate down to an oil resin or keep as a tincture.......


Well-Known Member
Well shit guys! So you have inspired me to go get a bottle of everclear soak it for 2 weeks then take a shot! Ok not a first I'll see what the small amount does first but thanks for the info! I don't like cooking, but I do drink from time to time:joint:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yes good extracts regardless of any solvents left over will ignite when smoking if its pure. i only vape now so no fire anymore only great taste.


Well-Known Member
also this just in

i seen on a dvd the other day metho is better and can leave behind less shit than rubbing alcohol so ill look into this more and report back sometime:). i think it was a hashman dvd.

this is for all the oil makers :)


Well-Known Member
hey folks. i just recently harvested my first plant :) and was going to make hash oil from its trimmings. im going to make a journal out of it and document it but here is the beginning. any comments or recommendations? (and no i wont do a post by post on this thread but in my own)

for this im using EverClear brand grain and trimmings along with some leaves from my past grow.



Well-Known Member
hmmm advice......

are you making a tincture or oil..

when making oil get as close to 100 percent alcohol as you can leaves less water behind with the oil..

HEHEHEHE i get to be a smart ass now (this is for all the people that said my using metho is insane)

ive said it a few times just use metho for hash oil.. ive seen a few thingssaying its one of the cleaner solvents now.. second to ethanol of cause ;)

when making a tincture you generally try to get a high alcohol percentage of a drink you like.. everclear would work nicely

another hint
agitate the solution every now and then.

when making oil's i use dry material.

anyhoo leave me a link ill tue in :)


New Member
I got a 00 cap-m-quik and some empty gel caps. Last night I made up some caps using 1/8 of weed and some coconut oil. I ground the bud and mixed it with oil. I followed Big P's recipe of 295F for 45 minutes. I messed up and used too much oil, so I have 50 weak pills instead of the 20-25 stronger ones I intended to make. I just took 6 a half hour ago, so far not much to report other than some oily weed burps. I'll let you know how it works out.

I will have a big harvest coming in the next couple weeks. I intend to use some of this to finish up my tincture experiments that I started a few months ago. My unanswered questions so far are: Does preheating the weed affect potency if it will be left to soak for a week or more. And I am still not convinced I have found the optimal temps for the pre heating. I have been using 285F for 30 minutes. It has worked well for me when doing stovetop extractions. But with the huge number of people online recommending 325F for 5 minutes , I want to give that temp another try. Any other suggestions for experiments?
WOW! I registered to this site about 5 hours ago...Im hooked...great thread man!! I've always been a "head", but now i'm officially making this culture my lifestyle! SOOOOO much knowledge here!And I appreciate every piece! keep up the good work! now i must sleep...


Well-Known Member
hey jester thanks 4 the thread
any who im making a big bag o ice hash tomoz
and i would like to thank you for posting all the info
also can you run down the russain method as i have found little helpful info
have a good long weekend jimmy


Well-Known Member
hey, just an update on what im doing. (i never made that journal as i was hoping) but after placing the stems, leaves, and trimmings into the jar with grain (everclear), i let it sit for about a week. i then boiled off most of the alcohol and had a thick green liquid on the bottom.

at this time however i was just about ready to cut my second plant so i ended up putting the leaves, stems, and trimmings from this plant into the jar and refilled it with alcohol. its been a few days now and will be boiling away the alcohol in a few more.

i had an idea tho. I checked and the boiling temperature of olive oil is 375F (191C). if i placed olive oil into the jar with the alcohol and boil way the alcohol as i did before, would everything be transfered to the oil thats in the jar? if olive oil doesnt work, im sure i can use peanut oil (which is very fatty and boils at 440F, 227C)


Well-Known Member
i dont think the oil will miz will it. just evaporate the alcohol and then ad oil after its all gone. y do you want to add oil???

umm remember to shake the jar evey now and then it helps i find

peace out