making hermies...?


Active Member
is there anyway i can make feminized seeds from a plant any simple way i mean? and is there a way to make it not be a hermie anymore after i make it one and collect sedds from it?


Well-Known Member
This is what i found. When you take seeds from a shwag bag it always seems for me atleast 90%+ will grow a hermie and it always seems to be alot better then weed in the bag. I also found when I grow these same seeds outdoors they are full females. Had same seeds everyone indoor grown 100% of time was a hermie under lamps. The same seeds outdoors in the ground grew 100% female. They also grew to almost 6 feet tall :O


Well-Known Member
This is what i found. When you take seeds from a shwag bag it always seems for me atleast 90%+ will grow a hermie and it always seems to be alot better then weed in the bag. I also found when I grow these same seeds outdoors they are full females. Had same seeds everyone indoor grown 100% of time was a hermie under lamps. The same seeds outdoors in the ground grew 100% female. They also grew to almost 6 feet tall :O
one of my female started growin some balls indoors. so i plucked all the balls off and put it outside, havent grew any balls yet.


Well-Known Member
Here read this link. I described what I did to make my plant turn hermi for making seeds. It was a pain in the ass to get it to turn till I found out about Colloidal Silver.

Some plants may turn easy and those are not plants you want for making feminized seeds with. You want a plant that is tough to turn so it passes that trait of hard to turn onto it's seeds. You can also use light stress to get it to turn. I had no luck doing it that way. I would turn the lights on during the dark period. I even went as far as to have the lights on 24 hours, then switch to 18/6. Then 12/12, then 14/10, then no light for a day, then 12/12 again. Something like that anyways. just kept changing the light and dark period. I just kept switcing the light cycle up messing with it. That did nothing for me. Some plants might turn, some might not. I also was messing with high and low temps while I was doing this as well. That didn't seem to help either.

Edited to add. As of right now I have collected(from the plant I sprayed with CS)and pollinated a female plant with it. I am hoping in 4-6 weeks I have some nice seeds to plant for my next grow. I can see the pollination went well. The pistils turned brown and seemed to pull back into the calyx's. They have even started to kinda swell up a bit.