Making Mescaline HCL A Bold Reality!


Well-Known Member
its on my extraction list:mrgreen:.... just have always been a bit leery of fuckin it up... but never try, never succeed right?
The fuck up shouldn't consist of too much of a weary, at the very least the product wouldn't be active and just contain a bunch of leftover xylene and such...

Time to check out ANC's SAN PEDRO CORNER ;)


Well-Known Member
you can evaporate xylene..

Exactly, for the peeps who are impatient and cannot wait it out this would be the sole problem, but other then that everything should fall into place!


Well-Known Member
ndanger I gotta give 69ron's extraction TEK mad props. This TEK gives good yields and potent product provided you have a quality source material. I've got some T. peruvianus that has been giving up 2.5% mostly mescaline acetate. Can you say happy! You can easily convert acetate to HCl in this TEK if you were not concerned about the "food grade" nature of the TEK. I've considered using HCl for this TEK, but the acetate salt hasn't been giving me too much trouble giving consistent doses and quality product.

Mescaline is one of the most rewarding chemicals I've ever had the pleasure to work with. Pleasant and fairly easy under 400mg for this experimenter. One caveat is that I would start my dose at 150+mg to get an idea for what you have. Most people are using T. pachanoi of unknown quality and there tends to me many more alks in this variety. Dosage can vary greatly. If you find a good source for T. peruvianus your extraction should be primarily mescaline. If you are experienced at extractions (mimosa, harmaline, etc.) you should have no problem. The main problem with the acetate is it's stickiness. IMO, it's really no more difficult to handle than DMT freebase.

The sticky could could cause a problem, but when you have potency and consistency whats the big freaking deal? Nothing! A product that delivers will always work! Have you personally experienced RC phenethylamines?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone personally been to any peyote retreats in a from of a spiritual liason... like in TEXAS and ARIZONA... where a few reside?

I personally want to know if these truly exist in society and accept members willingly, not depending on their enthical background?


Well-Known Member
'bout the xylene evap thing... it tends to leave traces, which is why the final product get rinsed with dry acetone about 3 times...

just put xtals in small container, add about twice the volume of acetone, stir up and break up any particles..., decant acetone, and repeat.
it evaps pretty fast... the cleaning up should only add like 5 minutes to the whole process.


Well-Known Member
'bout the xylene evap thing... it tends to leave traces, which is why the final product get rinsed with dry acetone about 3 times...

just put xtals in small container, add about twice the volume of acetone, stir up and break up any particles..., decant acetone, and repeat.
it evaps pretty fast... the cleaning up should only add like 5 minutes to the whole process.
ANC just keeps on delivery with the good news... you're done with the extraction right, and if so where is your final product... show me those crystals ;)