Making oils

So while I've been putting my couple of my plants through flower, I have also been keeping all of my clippings and fan leaves. There are a good number that i noticed have a shimmer, or what i assume to be trychomes starting to grow on them. I also have kept all of the small buds that i cut off so they don't take nutrients from my larger higher up buds.

I have read of a couple of methods in creating oil. The first is running a clean butane through clippings or buds through an extraction tube with mesh at the end acting as a filter to keep the plant matter out. After this is done, the butane must be evaporated off, leaving you with a yellowish/brown oil. Is it better to have the clippings just torn into smaller pieces or ground up completely before being put into the tube?

The other method is using 99% isopropyl alcohol or however it's spelled. Filling say a mason jar with clippings and stems and filling it up with the alcohol. Shake it up and cover and let it sit for a few hours, periodically shaking it. The alcohol should turn a greenish color. After a few hours, pour the mixture through say a shirt into a container. in the container you should have the greenish alcohol and in the shirt is your mixture of leaves and stems; squeeze out the remaining alcohol out of the stems/leaves. Next boil the mixture on low until left with an oil.

These are very basic explanations of the two methods i have looked into.
My main question is: does anyone have any experience with making oils? I have never done it and this will be my first time. I understand the hazards of using the butane method, so please don't come to me with a safety lesson. Which is most effective and will give the better yield? I have more fan leaves than buds to throw in, so i understand thc content will not be as high as i would like. I've thought a little about it but am not sure, but i figure that the alcohol method will be better for me because i can put a good amount more fan leaves and clippings in there as opposed into my 6" long 3/4" diameter extraction tube. I figure the butane method is better used with buds or materials with a higher THC content. Any input is appreciated and it will all be taken into consideration


Well-Known Member
First off, scroll way down to the concentrates section.

Secondly, be ready to get nondefinitive answers as is the case with all things.

I rarely smoke anymore. Almost 100% vaped in an e-juice made from oil. I have never made BHO, and have never even tried it but I am not in teh scene so to speak. Just an old stoner.

I don't want to use anything I am not comfortable putting into my body. So I make mine out of ethanol (QWET), pure alcohol safe for human consumption.

If using regularly, my opinion is that in a less than lab quality environment, it is really hard to know if you have purged the bad stuff out and thus, not ideal. And if you are seling to someone else, not my situation but still, you have a moral obligation not to be selling toxic fun.

I don't know on yield. But if it is just extra stuff anyway, who cares?

Also, when doing it, wit any type, best to freeze your raw material first. With QWET or QWISO, same goes for the solvent. But lots of info in the appropriate section.


Well-Known Member
So while I've been putting my couple of my plants through flower, I have also been keeping all of my clippings and fan leaves. There are a good number that i noticed have a shimmer, or what i assume to be trychomes starting to grow on them. I also have kept all of the small buds that i cut off so they don't take nutrients from my larger higher up buds.

I have read of a couple of methods in creating oil. The first is running a clean butane through clippings or buds through an extraction tube with mesh at the end acting as a filter to keep the plant matter out. After this is done, the butane must be evaporated off, leaving you with a yellowish/brown oil. Is it better to have the clippings just torn into smaller pieces or ground up completely before being put into the tube?

The other method is using 99% isopropyl alcohol or however it's spelled. Filling say a mason jar with clippings and stems and filling it up with the alcohol. Shake it up and cover and let it sit for a few hours, periodically shaking it. The alcohol should turn a greenish color. After a few hours, pour the mixture through say a shirt into a container. in the container you should have the greenish alcohol and in the shirt is your mixture of leaves and stems; squeeze out the remaining alcohol out of the stems/leaves. Next boil the mixture on low until left with an oil.

These are very basic explanations of the two methods i have looked into.
My main question is: does anyone have any experience with making oils? I have never done it and this will be my first time. I understand the hazards of using the butane method, so please don't come to me with a safety lesson. Which is most effective and will give the better yield? I have more fan leaves than buds to throw in, so i understand thc content will not be as high as i would like. I've thought a little about it but am not sure, but i figure that the alcohol method will be better for me because i can put a good amount more fan leaves and clippings in there as opposed into my 6" long 3/4" diameter extraction tube. I figure the butane method is better used with buds or materials with a higher THC content. Any input is appreciated and it will all be taken into consideration

Imo if you don't have the proper equipment, don't make BHO. Not only is it dangerous, it will be very unhealthy for you when it is not properly purged. Imo at the very minimum you need a closed loop extractor (10k for a nice one) and a vacuum oven (2k minimum for a nice one) to make BHO safely and well purged. You can make oil that is properly purged with just an oven, the closed loop is just way safer than open blasting.

As for the other method, you should definitely do it this way if you don't plan on buy the equipment for the BHO. Instead of using ISO though, you should use 190 proof grain alcohol like ever clear. It will taste much better and is also way healthier than using ISO. If you are in a state that doesn't sell 190 proof alcohol, you can order it off line from, they ship to every state


Well-Known Member
Just start with skunkpharm
Read the qwiso qwet bho whatever then come back with questions.

Bho yields most.
I prefer qwiso for quality


Well-Known Member
For BHO IMO the material is best dried a week or two then ground in a food processor. I then run it twice depending... By that I mean after the first blast I take everything out of the tube, mix and, feel to see if it is still sticky. If it is I repack the tube and blast again. On avg about 1 can of butane per ounce. I avg 10% + return. I believe BHO is a higher quality product and it can be turned into different products based upon temp and method. It is more dangerous if you are stupid about it. Blast outside and all is good!


Well-Known Member
Dont do that ^

Any hash oil can be turned into whatever product. The cleaner it is the easier to alter consistency

Also bho will yield ~20% but ive seen 28
i would like to make the BHO, just so many negative comments on it. I think I'm going to try a run of each. The iso alcohol method seems simple enough, and as humboldt said, i will instead use ever clear. However, In regards to the plant material that goes into the extraction tube for the BHO method.. i'm unclear on the preparation process. I've been told to immediately bag and freeze my clippings for later and have been the passed few weeks. If i were to give this BHO a try, when i use these clippings is it best to grind it up pretty thoroughly or will just stuffing whole leaves and stems be adequate? Also, these clippings come out of the bag somewhat moist, should i let these leaves dry out before trying the extraction? i seem to remember reading somewhere that it is more effective if everything is dried out.

Also, on the same post humboldt, i have my own 2 step purging process and feel that it is thorough enough. That combined with my confidence that the butane I'm using is clean, I've found the risks to be minimal.. this is all personal, nothing to sell


Well-Known Member
Yes, I vape in a normal tank and battery system. Again, lots of threads in the concentrate section on how.

You should have dried the leaf and trim before freezing it. What I do is freeze and then kind of chop it up with a skewer or chop stick.

Quizoking knows his shit.


Well-Known Member
No we only have the pic one and we asked for that to be stickied
We also dont have mods ;)

There are some great threads though


Well-Known Member
A fresh frozen method is best used in a "soak" extraction. Great with ethanol or iso runs. If used with butane you should do the thermos method. It likes to clump lowering yield when blasting and making it a pain.

Also fresh frozen retains more terps but lowers the weight ratio of cannabis to solvent- lowering yield ratios..the less cuts in plant material the better finished quality


Well-Known Member
No we only have the pic one and we asked for that to be stickied
We also dont have mods ;)

There are some great threads though
Someone needs to get off their butt then..concentrates/extracts are the future of cannabis, and that section should be leading the way.


Well-Known Member
When you make bho, like any extract, you want the temps as low as possible. Many people utilize deep freezers or dry ice to keep the butane and herb cold. Same idea with isulation around the pipe or what have you.
The idea being that yields are increased with increased solvent "surface area" as more dense wanting to stay liquid longer. It also extracts slightly less of the heavier fats and waxes and polar compounds

what you described would hinder the quality of the final product