Making Seeds From Same Breed


Well-Known Member
So i was planning on just wanting seeds from what I have right now (The Afghan and Sweet Dreams) I did some research around this site here but just wanted to double check on some things

As long as their from the same breeder the same traits should be passed along correct?

and do you only flower the male plant till right about the sacs are gonna open and then you can discard the plant? or would you wanna do it before (actually taking the sacs off) and then leave them moist to "grow" (the sacs)

Which method would be better? Hopefully I can get some answers to this Thanks in Advance :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure what you mean by 'as long as ... same traits should be passed along'.

about the males, yeah make sure to separate them unless you want to cross-pollinate unpredictably and completely, then harvest the pollen sacs and save them. when you have buds on the female you can paint a liquid of the pollen on selectively and not seed the entire crop, as well as inbreeding each and/or crossing them.

I am thinking you want seeds of the same lines: more afghan and more sweet dreams. what you should do is pick the strongest looking male and the nicest looking female - selecting for whatever characteristics you want - color, flavor, etc. - and breed them that way.

The traits between the seeds you planted will vary - they're brothers and sisters, after all - and the variation will depend on how much time the breeder took to stabilize the line, either by backcrossing or creating F2s, which is what you will be doing.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure what you mean by 'as long as ... same traits should be passed along'.
I was reading a thread earlier and this is why i said that

IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE GROWING A STRAIN that you enjoy, cloning is your best option. You could also continue the strain by breeding two plants to produce seeds. You won't completely replicate the strain again using the seed method, however, unless the two parent plants are from the same IBL (inbred line). Even if the two plants are not IBLs, they should produce seeds that contain most of the parents' features.
what you think are the charastics of a strong male? im so used to ripping males out on site i really never take the time to study their charastics you know

I never understood the whole F1 F2 deal. Can you explain that to me or a link to possible thread that does?


Well-Known Member
Strong males obviously will show size, and may vary in how resinous they are.

So somebody pollinated a female plant, harvested the seeds, and sold them to you. Each seed is a sibling, brothers and sisters.

You plant them all. If you inbreed brothers and sisters, those make the next filial generation. If the generation of seeds you got was from a cross-pollination, say skunk x haze or something like that, that was the F1 generation, and when you breed brothers and sisters you get the F2 generation. If you bred a male and female from that batch you would get the F3 generation, and so on.

So an inbred line is when this process has been carried out many many times, and it has the effect of stabilizing the characteristics of the strain. Think about it this way: if you had a white mother and black father who had kids, there would be a lot of variation between sibilings, but as their children continually bred, they would all develop the same exact set of traits. That is why first crosses have less stable characteristics than stabilized strains. Good if you want to select and breed yourself, bad if you want the characteristics (phenotype) to all be the same.
