Making seeds

Hey guys
I'd like some info from guys who have made seeds before, read on it or any more experienced than me :)

Right I was thinking maybe buying maybe 10 or more regular autos to just mingle them up to make some seeds for future indoor grows

Will 5 or more strains mix well, how many seeds would i get if I had 5 seeded girls and when would the bud be harvested to have great seeds?

Cheers once again guys



Well-Known Member
My seeds are done anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks outdoors. I cannot tell you if 5 strains will mix good cause.. I just can't.
Okay thanks for that :)
Also don't know if you know about autos but if both male and female where autos is it right to assume the seeds will be?


Active Member
lowryders and lowryder #2's will auto flower when breed with eachother or with themselves, if you want to take another non auto flowering strain and make it auto flower you have to do this:

for your males use lowryder #2, it's bushier easier to get more pollen
for your females, whatever you want. start these plants about six weeks before your lowryder 2's, put them in flower when your lowryders start there first set of true leaves.

take 2 lowryder #2 male's and pollinate 2 female's of plant x. (Assuming you have picked out a decent strain and you have a good female to breed him with)

save as much pollen as you can.

keep the offspring seeds seperate.

take the offspring seeds from that cross and choose the first female from each to show sex and again pollinate those female's with lowryder #2 pollen.

ok, so now you have two batches of seeds. now you have to start inbreding them to get the autoflower to 100%, just take the quickest ones to flower and breed em together. it should only take two or three grows, but some people say for it to become stable it takes seven.

But either way you will be taking a great plant as far as genetics go and introduce it to new genetics from your pick, it will be interesting to see your turn out and the bud from the offspring if you do it though!

Good luck!
Okay thanks everyone for the info
I will try put this knowledge to good use :D

Oh and any tips on when to harvest for the seeds?
Is it the same as harvesting for smokable bud ? (2/3rd cloudy trichomes or whatever you like)
That may be a newb question but helpful if answered :)
right new question,

I know that males show flowers earlier than females.

SOOO if left to their own devices and all my seeds are planted at the same time males and females, will the pollen dropped from the males pollenate the Female plants?

Or would i be best planting say 10 regular seeds and then 5 femminzed seeds say 3 weeks later??


Active Member
Harvest your seeds when you harvest your bud they will be fine. as for the plant situation your talking about the easiest way is to harvest your pollen from your male plants when its ready.Film canisters are a great place to store pollen in. You can save pollen in a canister for the next harvest. Pollen can be stored in the freezer for around 18 months. The odds of having pollen keep though are slim. Pollen is best used up to 6 months. The pollen can be extracted from the male flower as soon as the flowers are ready to open. You will see the male flower open out from its pod. It is best to gather pollen after it falls from the pod onto the leaves. Simply shake the pollen onto the female flowers to pollinate them. Outdoor its a bit more tricky because of wind os just use your head if your location is safe enough to spend some time at it go there with the film canister and pop open your male pollen sacs when you see at least the first one open on its own and remove as much pollen as possible into the film canister making sure no oils from your skin ever touch the pollen etc.

Hope that helps ;)


Active Member
OH also i forgot to add make sure you label all your film canisters date and time them as well for your own records use only the best looking males for pollen or and NEVER take pollen from one male and mix it with pollen from another male.
yeh cheers that was real helpful, ill have to rethink my spot for putting them and get somewhere that is practical to visit often.
How do you pop open the male sacks do you just need to squeeze them abit?

And when would you recommmend is best time to pollenate the females flowerS?

thanks :)


Active Member
Ok you wont have to move your spot honestly its not as hard as it seems, I would suggest using rubber gloves and a pair of tweezers "Works for me" and hold the film canister under the pollen sac getting as close to the sac as possible "Wow this sounds so wrong reading it back to myself lol!" and use your pair of tweezers in the other hand and gently squeeze them untill they pop and the pollen falls into the container / rinse + repeat, and as far as the best time i would suggest within 2-4 weeks of flowering so when you start to see all the hairs form at your nodes not just a few "indicating pre flower" and sprinkle it over the hairs and your done at harvest you should have seed. Now obviously if you want good smoke dont dump the whole container on your cola lol.
okay thanks all this is really helpful :) haha for a newbie anyway

haha yer does sound kinda wrong haha

Im not too worried about loosing smokable bud to seed as i have another grow for smoking and i was going to have another site purely for seed making. but it would be nice to sample some so i have an idea what kinda plants the seeds will be growing into seeing as they will be mostly first time grown strains for me
+rep to you


Well-Known Member
i crossed a thc bomb with a bubblegum and made a bubblebomb, got around 800 seeds, took 5-6 weeks to form....didnt take much pollen........


wow 800 seeds, Yeh del man im subbed to your threads and seen that bubblebomb looks real nice ;)

thanks for the heads up
im gunna pick some nice sounding strains and hopefully wont have to buy seeds again

Also if i get my ass in gear i might get pollen in time to maybe pollenate some of the superautos im growing that you can see in the thread in my sig. sure there would be quite a few phenos of super and non super autos from the seeds but should be fun