Making weed cupcakes/ Coconut Oil?

Hey guys.

I was just wondering if there would be anybody kind enough to explain something to me :)

Right, I have bought some cold pressed coconut oil as I have read this is the best thing I could use to make edibles. But I can only find things like putting 28 grams into so much oil or half oz or whatever.
The thing is I can't really afford to do things that way. I have to make a Q to a half last me a week or 2. But anyways... Can I make weed cupcakes with just say half grams or grams and only put that much into coconut oil? And if so what would the weed to coconut oil ratio be? It isn't ideal I know.

I haven't baked a cake before either ..... :roll: At all haha! ;-) So the whole thing is new to me. Is there any simpler edibles I could make with the coconut oil? Could I just eat the oil haha.

So do I just decarb my weed, melt some coconut oil down in a pan, put the ground up weed in that and let it cook? And for how long? You will probably need to explain to me in dummy terms haha :eyesmoke:

Thanks in advance to anybody who replies. I tried to find an edibles section in the forum but I couldn't find one :dunce: So I posted in this section. Cheers!


Staff member
i have moved your thread to the proper section cooking with cannabis if you go to it youll see stickies with detailed descriptions you can read through
Ok so I now know how to do it. Decarb the bud at 225F, grind it down put it in a mason jar (jam jar I call it haha), cover it with coconut oil... put that into a saucepan with shallow water in it. Simmer the water for a while to cook it in.

But it just says it takes longer than 30 mins with coconut oil.... how long do I keep it cooking and stir it for? 45 mins? An hour?

And does it turn back into a solid once it is cooled down again?

Give me a shout if you know please :) Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
Hey Deja...I would say the simplest thing for you to do, especially with small amounts, is make peanut butter. Once you have decarb-ed, just add it to some PB and heat and stir. If using bud or trim, first grind up in coffee grinder to fine powder. When I did it with the bud/trim, I used 75 grams to a 48 oz container. So just adjust the amounts for your purposes, scaling down.

Here is something you might try...

30 second brownie: Stir 1 tablespoon each cocoa powder, flour, brown sugar, water and vegetable oil, your ground up decarbed weed, tiny splash of vanilla, and a pinch of salt in a mug. Microwave 30 seconds.

You can also try tea: Make your favorite tea and add your weed plus a tablespoon or two of whole milk or cream. Let it steep for a while, then strain and enjoy. The fat in the cream will activate the weed for you. It wont work with just the water.


Well-Known Member
Smallest batch you're probably going to be able to make is 4 at a time, so you'd want to use about 4g.

Go to allrecipes, find a recipe and adjust the portion size.

That recipe calls for a 2 Tbsp of butter when adjusted to a portion size of 4. So, if you do it make sure you start off with more butter than 2 Tbsp because you will lose some when cooking and straining.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Since I don't like the taste of weed, this is what I do.

99% ISO, chill in freezer for a day or two.
Decarb weed in oven @ less than 150Deg F, until weed is ultra dry (crumbly).
Freeze weed.
Put cold weed in an air-tight container and cover with ISO, shake/stir for 30 seconds or so.
Back into freezer, and let sit for 10 to 15 min, stir again, repeat 3 or 4 times.
Strain and filter mixture.
Put filtered ISO in a bowl, set bowl in a pan of hot (not boiling) water and evaporate ISO.
NOTE: No open flame!!!! Use plenty of ventillation, ISO can fuck you up.

Then I just use the oil in any recipe, brownines have been a hit with my friends.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
That's what I prefer as add to that though
I suggest decarbing the oil over a double boil and utilizing that to help purge as well as more accurately can visibly watch co2 bubbles leave and is the most accurate way to decarb especially if purchasing material you don't know the age of


Well-Known Member
I recently started using the Magical Butter machine to make coconut oil. The oil turns out great but holy shit do you use a lot of weed. I put 35 grams in my last batch which netted me 16 ounces of coconut oil. Everything I made with the oil came out awesome, some would say maybe even a little too potent. When I first got my machine I made butter but I did not add the soy lecithin as recommended. The butter sucked! You had to eat two huge brownies so I moved onto coconut oil after doing some research but I added (and this may be key) soy lecithin to the oil and then again to the brownie mix. Not sure where/how I F'd the butter up but by damn that oil was on point!


Well-Known Member
You are so right BigEasy. the soy lecithin is a key ingredient in how effective your medible will be. What is this Magical Butter machine? Does is eliminate the need to strain and squeeze? Or is it just a crockpot type thing to cook the butter in? Please do tell :)