Well-Known Member
I've been reviewing my notes on making my own LAB Lacto Acid Bacillus which is the base for EM1.
Microbes cultivated and used for protecting plants from pathogens and digest nutrients in the soil to enhance growth.
And I have some questions in light of a product called P3 that is being sold as the magic bullet when it comes to adding your soil with microbeasties!
And I am being told this lacks additional needed strains and species compared to the following:
Product Claims to have:
Is there anyway to add these different missing strains, if needed and really missing? Won't I get a better healthier spectrum of beneficial bacteria by using this homemade LAB in composting which will introduce other strains of bacteria in which LAB will help influence the growth of other beneficial bacteria that could ultimately provide a soil web that would not need to have a product like P3 added?
Microbes cultivated and used for protecting plants from pathogens and digest nutrients in the soil to enhance growth.
And I have some questions in light of a product called P3 that is being sold as the magic bullet when it comes to adding your soil with microbeasties!
- Cultivaing bacterica
1 cup whole grain rice
2 cups h20 sans chloride
Shake well store in closed container that has equal air space to material volume
let set 3-5 days with top covered with paper towel room temp sans uv rays
with syringe remove 7oz clear serum from infected mixture
Separating bacteria LAB from hood of every bacteria from a-z
Place 7oz bacterial serum into container with 70oz of whole milk raw is possible any well do
Let set one week (7 days) as with the rice water mixture above
Cheese will form on top remove feed to animals or add to compost
remaining is your LAB separated out for use as you see fit. Approximate 1000ml 1 liter
That's freaking easy you now have your very own hard working great for everything BACILLUS
You can keep in airtight container in fridge up to 3 years, goes dormant in one.
Or add equal parts molasses to stabilize and store for up to 3 years cool room temp.
When adding molasses stir well this now becomes 2 liters or 2000ml stabilized Bacillus
And I am being told this lacks additional needed strains and species compared to the following:
- "You are creating One form of Bacilius bacteria with the LAB.
There are 7 different strains of 4 different species of Bacilius in P3."
Product Claims to have:
- Bacillus Subtilis
- Well known cattle feed ingredient
- Spores are viable for decades; common soil inoculant: frees up nutrients from food sources
- Symbiotic with roots as a colonizer; antagonistic to pathogens
Bacillus Licheniformis
- Found in soil and on bird feathers
- Protease producer (especially breaks down feathers)
- Biological laundry detergent
- Adapts well to alkaline areas
Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens
- Source of the BamH1 restrictive enzyme (stifles virus and pathogens)
- Source of Subtilisin, an organic laundry detergent
- Causes starch hydrolysis of green plants
- Produces Barnase, an antibiotic protein
Bacillus Pumilis
- Anti-fungal
- Colonizes roots to prevent fungus formation
- Highly stress resistant
All are considered rhizobacteria for they breakdown atmospheric nitrogen into a compound easy to uptake by plants.
Summary of P[SUP]3 [/SUP]Prolific Plant Probiotic
One dose (1 inch of pellets) contains:
- 600+ million CFUs of Bacillus microbes
- Micronutrient spectrum package usually depleted from soil
- Amino acids spectrum package critical for plant life
- Delivered on a carrier of plant roughage
- Contains seven strains from the above mentioned four Bacillus species
Is there anyway to add these different missing strains, if needed and really missing? Won't I get a better healthier spectrum of beneficial bacteria by using this homemade LAB in composting which will introduce other strains of bacteria in which LAB will help influence the growth of other beneficial bacteria that could ultimately provide a soil web that would not need to have a product like P3 added?