Makes a very nutritious Kefir and yogurt
Hey guys now I really want to know how I too can enjoy my labor with microbes personally, how does this Kerif and Yogurt process work?
Please enlighten me my stomach is growling.
When I was younger I drank a ton of milk easily a half gallon a day and here I thought my runny noses was my hayfever...
Well I know the heating process does cook out some goodness just like cooking our food does, that is why raw food whatever form will always have more nutrition.
I am sure fortified on the Milk carton Rrog means they've added the good stuff back in including that good ole vitamin D a steroid vitamin of fat soluble prohormones which encourage the absorption and metabolism of calcium.. which begs ? if Milk as given to us by the Big Milk dairies is so could for us once they pasteurize it then why do they have to add vitamin D to make it effective?
Sometimes I wonder what else I believed that I was being sold that is good for me. For I also wonder if dairy farmers keep their cows for their milk on good organic feed and do not pasteurize their milk, where their business end of their livestock get's the full meal steroid deal. Like how us organic consciousness cannabis consumers would never think of consuming any cannabis that came in contact with a chemical fert of pest control product?
Food for thought, food for thought....