Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
Really amazing mo, truly! I wish I could come visit your garden!! The big clone is stunning...she deserves to be in a magazine, real talk!


Well-Known Member
Miracle Mo. Nice one flo, but so true she is hangin in there thats for sure.. wont be much smoke but im sure it will be taisty all the same.. and your outdoor will totally make up for waisted weight thats for sure...


Well-Known Member
Really amazing mo, truly! I wish I could come visit your garden!! The big clone is stunning...she deserves to be in a magazine, real talk!

When you move out here you should come down and help me trim!


Well-Known Member
Day 181 - About six months since I started this journey with this poor little plant. I have tried to kill her so many different ways and now I will drown her! Turned off the life support and her roots are sitting in water in the dark for a week to ferment away the carbs.

She taught me so much about what not to do to an indoor plant in an LED setup. This is so weird to just turn it all off after six months of making sure it was all on and dialed in.

She was such a beautiful baby:



Well-Known Member
I would love to!

Everyone complains about trimming, but for some reason, I really like it. Especially if you do it while smoking and conversating with good people :).

Count me in for next years harvest :weed:


Well-Known Member
Day 181 - About six months since I started this journey with this poor little plant. I have tried to kill her so many different ways and now I will drown her! Turned off the life support and her roots are sitting in water in the dark for a week to ferment away the carbs.

She taught me so much about what not to do to an indoor plant in an LED setup. This is so weird to just turn it all off after six months of making sure it was all on and dialed in.

She was such a beautiful baby:

Aw...well it's sad, but good that you got her to make it this far after everything. Are you going to try to smoke her? Will you be doing another indoor?


Well-Known Member
I guess I shouldn't be sad - she is still living as the outdoor clones.

Here are some pics:

Big Clone


Micro Clone main cola:



Well-Known Member
ahhhhhh from this!!!???

to all this!!!??? i'd say you came out well and truly on top!!! The trick with Indoor i think is more lighting ;) led's just don't cut it for oomph and heat....



Active Member
Not sure if you ever got your "brown root" problem figured out yet, but I know why it was/is happening. I grow in hydroton sometimes and I get the same issue when my plants start getting huge. My last harvest I got 15 dry oz. off of one plant in a 1 gallon bucket filled with hydroton. My roots look like yours and are extremely compact. I couldn't even get the root ball out of the container last time and had to shatter the bucket to get them out because they were so dense. The biggest root was 1/2" thick and was as hard as steel.

The reason the roots get brown is because when your plants get so frickin huge, the root mass becomes way to clogged up and root bound. The water does not drain fast enough inbetween waterings and creates an oxygen-less environment. It's not due to the FloraNova. I use Canna nutes and they are much thinner and clearer. I even had one nasty spot of root rot in my root ball because the water does not drain off fast enough due to the thick ass roots.

The only thing that can be done to solve the issue is to not grow plants so big so that the root mass doesn't clog up the planting container. Or use a bigger container for the roots, like a 3 gallon or something. I've always been really impressed with how thick and huge the roots get in hydroton, but it's not good when they can't drain out.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you ever got your "brown root" problem figured out yet, but I know why it was/is happening. I grow in hydroton sometimes and I get the same issue when my plants start getting huge. My last harvest I got 15 dry oz. off of one plant in a 1 gallon bucket filled with hydroton. My roots look like yours and are extremely compact. I couldn't even get the root ball out of the container last time and had to shatter the bucket to get them out because they were so dense. The biggest root was 1/2" thick and was as hard as steel.

The reason the roots get brown is because when your plants get so frickin huge, the root mass becomes way to clogged up and root bound. The water does not drain fast enough inbetween waterings and creates an oxygen-less environment. It's not due to the FloraNova. I use Canna nutes and they are much thinner and clearer. I even had one nasty spot of root rot in my root ball because the water does not drain off fast enough due to the thick ass roots.

The only thing that can be done to solve the issue is to not grow plants so big so that the root mass doesn't clog up the planting container. Or use a bigger container for the roots, like a 3 gallon or something. I've always been really impressed with how thick and huge the roots get in hydroton, but it's not good when they can't drain out.
That's a damn Big call to say you 'KNOW' but your hearts in the right place :)

i don't believe this is the issue at all....You can grow as big plant as you like, the root issue has nothing to do with plant size as the bigger a plant is, certain parts of the roots will harden off and branch out accordingly and the hard roots take on less water. Basic plant adaption the plant will build a root system big enough to support it's weight and nutritional needs. Mo's reservoir is plenty big enough in my opinion. Hydroton is a fantastic medium for plants but also requires less watering than perlite, so easier to over water, which can lead to root issues...I don't think it's possible to conclude an exact reason why Mo's roots went like this, there could be a few reasons or as simple as not enough lighting and heat in his environment. A good rule of thumb for new growers is do some basic research have a look at some grows online that show decent detail and easy to source materials, and basically go off what they do and if something goes wrong you will have a better idea what's at fault. But if trying new ways and custom everything it becomes guesswork or a multitude of problems. Hydro can be an easy ball game, or you can make it complicated. The latter may turn you off all together and we don't want that now do we ;)
If you or anyone is worried about power bills, i still say go for atleast a 250-400 watt HPS/MH a 250watt may increase your bill no more than 15-20% the money you will save in not buying street hay..... easily money for a new $200 G-spot Gold plated Bong. hehe You HAVE to have Light and you HAVE to have air. Not enough light and you are destined for issues.

Good luck Mo :) still waitin on some of your gorgeous outdoories! they gotta be throwin out some flower pistils now?!?

After my good hard loooong stoned thinking session on cannabis tincture i came to this conclusion...with not enough lighting the leaves will not transpire or photosynthesize efficiently therefore the roots will retain water and not dry out at all. This i believe will cause a similar issue, not saying this was but could of been....The roots need to be sucking, and they won't if they don't need to if you know what i mean. They will lay dormant, this got me thinking as to why you didn't get those 'root hairs' like fish bones, as they are the 'suckers' if you do a bit of reading on roots....finding a good balance will increase 02 in the root system and increase mass of root hairs. In addition to good lighting i'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your useful information're not just coaching Mo but many of us who follow this thread as well! I have learned much from your various posts in this I can't help but be curious...

Which method do you use to make your tincture? :-P


Well-Known Member
I guess I shouldn't be sad - she is still living as the outdoor clones.

Here are some pics:

Big Clone


Micro Clone main cola:

Beautiful scenery. You created an mj landscape with that tiny seedling. Anton would love that. Quite a green thumb you have. Just how do you do it? I'm lost without a power cord.

But aren't you gonna need a staff on harvest day? Lol.


Well-Known Member
Lady J is going to come help me harvest!

I will break out my chainsaw hehe :)

Should I do a smoke report of my perscriptions?



Well-Known Member
Here is a quick update of the outdoor grow. I have started feeding bloom nutes and I can already see the tops bulking up!

Big Clone:




Well-Known Member
Lmao yup...I'm all the staff you need! And I'm cheap labor, all I need is a joint every couple hours lol.

Wish my medicine cabinet looked like yours...I'd probably find a host of new illnesses to justify having my meds as often as humanely possible :lol:

You can see the tops on the big clone opening and reaching up for the sky...those flowers are going to start busting out any time now! Must be amazing to get to wake up and see those huge bushes in your yard every day...I envy you!!


Well-Known Member
WOW those outdoor girls!!!/ I'm not even gonna guess what they will yield, should be enough for you:P..........hey Mo what your smoke report on that green candy????


Well-Known Member
They all smell the same so I could not pick one by smell. Must try them all to find a winner. I was happy to find some Thai.

My indoor chop and trim are done. Keep getting this smell of sulfur - is that normal for indoor?

Trimmed while watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics.

This weather is killing my shoulder. The girls are loving it though.
