Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
This whole second res idea got me thinking about having a shelf instead of a table. This way I can slide the second res under the first one. I need to add some plumbing to the top res so I can transfer the water:


Drilling holes:


Cupboard with shelf:

New plumbing:

I cleaned everything while I had the tote apart. Cleaned the sprinkler heads, pipes, filters, pumps, airstones and tubing... Everything works like new!



Well-Known Member
She loves the new system! I can add water every day easily and check the nutes and add nutes - this is great.

Day 74 Top View:

pH 5.4
ppm 1000 Flora Nova Bloom (Scottyballs method)



Well-Known Member
OK - some of the gurus on RIU said I might get algae from using clear tubing so I went with an upgrade. Plants like copper and my whole house uses copper plumbing so I custom built some copper pipes for my baby.

New plumbing:

Whole system:

Day 76 growth:



Well-Known Member
Well I have much more growth now and several heads. I think it is time to put the Kessil to the test. What do you think?

Kessil H350 Magenta LED:



Well-Known Member
Welcome FlowaMasta! I am glad you took time out of your busy grow to come by. You and Lordjin have really helped me get this far. I hope the results are worthwhile!


Well-Known Member
What happened to day 77? I do not know!

OK - I am getting ready to flip to 12/12. I have started by changing the lights to 16/8. I will keep changing by 2 hours till I reach 12/12. I put the screen back in and I will keep LSTing until I think she has filled in enough.

Day 78 Top Natural:

Day 78 Angle Natural:

The clone/top is showing nice big root nubs at 2 weeks since topping.



Well-Known Member
I hung some more black plastic to keep my 12/12 dark cycle truly dark. I usually go out to see her at night so now I need to make sure I go out there only when the lights are on. Changed the timer to 14/10.

No new pictures of my girl but I do have one of my favorite pictures from FlowaMasta's grow:

Pretty awesome!

I cant wait to see what my Sativa does in this grow setup!



Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of Mr Goo, which I planted from seed last August and harvested in October:

The bugs really loved her!


Well-Known Member
Been leaving her mostly alone except for res maintenance. I keep trying to figure out how to get stuff in the right places in the screen.

Top with LED on and flash:

Angle no lights flash:

Side after some under screen clipping:

I am in 12/12 - OMG!!!!



Well-Known Member
Journals looking shweeet Mo ;) lol, thanks for the ol' memories back there, wow, all dried and in jars now, what a weird feeling loving it aswell, at the moment though, i'm smoking a cocktail mix of my outdoor and indoor together, what a smashing mix, mrs complains it's too strong hehe


Active Member
This grow is really clean. I like the ScRoG method. I think people who experiment and adapt different growing techniques really do a lot for the hobby. My grow is pretty standard, but i really want to do things outdoor. LED lights are still a hotly contested subject, When i see grows that use them they look like they work? The ill read a thread by someone who swears against them. I wish someone would just put it to bed. Turning the timers to 12/12 is one of the best feeling ever!


Well-Known Member
I have been using the Scottyballs method where I only use Flora Nova Bloom the whole time. So yes I am using Bloom nutes! Have you ever used GH FNB? It is like mud! She seems to like it.