Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
Thanks Big O! I got some Mulanje I want to try next. Sativa is so slow it seems like I will have one grow a year.


Well-Known Member
lookin great Mo! we shall flower at the same time hopefully!
I have 100% sativa so I think you will have two more grows done before I flower!

Origins - Sativa from Salima region, Malawi
Flowering - 84-112 days!!!!


Well-Known Member
Big outdoor clone looks like she's taking off. Just how did you split your plant in two like that? Nice work.


Well-Known Member
Rechecked my water after adding everything and the EC had dropped to 1.6 so I added more Flora Nova Bloom and Superthrive. Took some more pictures with the new setup.

Side view with lights and flash:



Well-Known Member
Here are some more shots of my indoor girl


Sea of Green

The left side of my pictures are all fuzzy. I may need to send this camera back for a replacement. I will perform a couple test shots to determine if it is user error or hardware.



Well-Known Member
wow for a plant with such a rough start it looks awesome, next one will be beast now that you got your set up figured out, eagerly awaiting the nuggage nice grow mohican.


Well-Known Member
very nice! I was gifted some Mulanje Gold and Malawe Gold for breeding, haven't popped em yet though. looking forward to see what she does for you



Well-Known Member
beautiful stuff Mo, Timelines really show her growth off, i have been lazy organizing my pics!!
when she does finish she will be very 'mature' ;)


Well-Known Member
Nice. You've really given Riu something to digest.

Let's meet for coffee.
Sounds good - this weekend is bad for me - Mother's Day - soon though :)

very nice! I was gifted some Mulanje Gold and Malawe Gold for breeding, haven't popped em yet though. looking forward to see what she does for you
Nice gifts! I miss CO summers. I worked at Elitch Gardens back in the day - Skeeball mechanic :) Welcome and enjoy!

when she does finish she will be very 'mature'
So will I! ^^


Well-Known Member
Res change - she is really stretching now. The undergrowth is getting sickly and I need to do a good manicure. Tried out my new drain valve today and it worked great. Got her running on pHed water and H2O2 right now. In the morning I will give her fresh food including a magic potion I picked up at the hydro store today. It is called Sea Green and it revs up the plants uptake system. We will see...

EC - 0
pH - 5.7




Micro clone



Well-Known Member
i believe your pictures have something to do with the focus mode you have it set on. zoom is handy for covering a wide shot in clear focus, if you are up close select centre focus. if auto focus multi is selected it will try to focus on the point that has the most light, hope that helps Mo, i dont think its a fault, just try all modes, smart mode is shit for good quality pics, (p) mode is great if you fiddle around for a while, as is A>S>M mode. The only thing with digital, if you don't pre-select a target to focus, you will find the camera doing all sorts of focus lengths you don't want. If you want a whole plant shot in detail. turn Macro Off Flash on. iso 100/200, and set a ev level to suit. you may get some nice shots flash off aswell


Well-Known Member
nice man.. i planted some plants outdoor kinda in a skety spot oncce they start budding but who cares if it smells.. they cant follw the sent to them


Well-Known Member
What The!? never have i seen that, nor would i like to :shock: it seems to me that company needs to do a little more research. there are simple agents like 'anti foam' that will rid of foam like for Hydro??? i'm not so sure