male/female? could use expert opinion


Active Member
Hey guys,

I've had this first experimental grow going for a while. Im just using a couple of cfl's, not real professional, again, it's experimental. I put them on a 12/12 cycle about 2 weeks ago, so they should be sexed correct? However, I'm having a tough time telling, so I was wondering if you guys could look at these pics and tell me what you think. Sorry the pics aren't great, I'm not good with a camera, it might not be possible to tell, in which case advice on the camera would be much appreciated too. Thanks

edit: I'm having trouble uploading the pics...everytime I got o uploadthem to rollitup it just gets stuck saying "Uploading..." and doesn't make any progress...any ideas?


Active Member
i don't understand why the attach process isn't working
my browser just gets stuck saying "sending request to rollitup"
this happen to anyone else?