Male/Female New Close Ups Help


Well-Known Member
ok here is my grow they are reaching almost 14 inches im gonna start taking close ups so you guys can help me out again Here are the new pics

The close ups are the white widow what do you guys think>?



Well-Known Member
every male plant i've had started out like that,though it's still early and you can give it some more time,though i'm sticking with male,if it were female you'd see the hairs


Well-Known Member
well from the pics I would say that you cant tell yet but, thats just me,

how long have you been flowering for???

they do SORTA look like male pollen sacs but could easily be just new growth tips also


Well-Known Member
I would say that look at the pics, 2 and 3 are the same photo and so obviously both have balls.

with the first pic though, what is going on there you doing dwc aero flood or what, it looks like you can't make your mind up


Well-Known Member
ok heres some new pics Pic 1 is the same pic of 2 and 3 and the second pic is the northrn is it still too early fellas?


Well-Known Member
still too early by those pics........ and those are not male as of right now....

once more.... how long have you been in 12's for???


Well-Known Member
Have you read about sexing your plants? The plants won't show signs of sex until you start 12/12. How tall did you say your plants are? I am concerned that you need to start 12/12 very soon to avoid overgrowing your shit. Don't wait until you see sex in veg, you'll be waiting all year long. Plus once you go 12/12 it's just a countdown to bud.


Well-Known Member
14" damn that could be 28-42" or more and around 2-3 ft in circumference by end of flower.
How much room do you have for these "plants"?
Must be nice.
Are they inside?
Have you thought about odor control if inside?
I would say put them in about 18 hrs of darkness and then start the 12/12 cycle. You should see sex signs once you have forced them into sexing within 2 wks or prob less.


Well-Known Member
they are in a 3x3x 6.5 hydrohut inside i have little baby fem skunk growin next to them and i was gonna try to pull the males and sex the little guys with the females but maybe i will just start flowering i will change my res then put in the nutriest solution for flowering what do you think are they done vegging? Here are some new pics is this a white hair?



Well-Known Member
hey midgrade thanks for the reply man those are some good questions heres some pics of the room i have if you can see it in the pic and the size of the plants right now i mean i still have a lot of room i think but check them out and tell me what you think i should do man

Thr baby is the fem skunk im trying to hold of as long as i can so i can bloom everything at once or do you think i have no show at that?



Well-Known Member
they are in a 3x3x 6.5 hydrohut inside i have little baby fem skunk growin next to them and i was gonna try to pull the males and sex the little guys with the females but maybe i will just start flowering i will change my res then put in the nutriest solution for flowering what do you think are they done vegging? Here are some new pics is this a white hair?
that is a female