Male/Female New Close Ups Help

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I'll bank money that the plant in pic #2 is a *she*, bro. There's nothin boy about those two spread legs! LOL.

Keep an eye on it...but she looks good and strong. Can you clone? Are there cuts to take if you can? If not..from the look of that shoot starting to grow in pic #2 it will only be a few weeks before you can take a cut or two...

good luck with the rest of 'em...

bt dt


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and start flowering. The plants will continue to grow in 1st few weeks of flowering.
As long as your smallest plant is atleast 8" I would go for it.
Of course the longer you veg the more yield and better quality.
I just do not have enough space for all that. I have 7 plants and I had to start them in veg at 11". That was about 4ds ago and I am rapidly reaching my limits.
I would also look into LST(low stress training) put low stress training in search up top and see tillthedayidie's thread on it. This will allow you to maximize the bud content on the plant as it will make the main stem more parallel to the light instead of perpindicular.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh so if they stay in veg longer they become more potent these plants i have here are growin awesome i just topped for the second time and they are forming so cool i tried to take some pics from farther away so i can show you they came out ok here are some pics they have been veggin since march 20



Well-Known Member
male 4 sure male all day
ok here is my grow they are reaching almost 14 inches im gonna start taking close ups so you guys can help me out again Here are the new pics

The close ups are the white widow what do you guys think>?