male flowers balls?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
do male flowers/ balls only open in the 12/12 light cycle or do they also open during the 18/6 light cycle if they are allowed to?


Well-Known Member
Some strains can show sex (M or F) under 18 hours of light but it can take many many weeks.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Some strains can show sex (M or F) under 18 hours of light but it can take many many weeks.
but do the balls open during 18/6 or what ever one may use or only during 12/12.
like the females show calyxes and pistils during vegetative growth but do not swell(or bloom?) until 12/12


Well-Known Member
but do the balls open during 18/6 or what ever one may use or only during 12/12.
like the females show calyxes and pistils during vegetative growth but do not swell(or bloom?) until 12/12
Yes, they can open. That's why most people will isolate or pull them as soon as they see them balls.
I personally prefer not to take the risk.


Well-Known Member
I think the point that AimAim was making is that female plants often put out single pollen sacks when grown way past maturity. Remember marijuana is an annual plant that produces seed and typically does not survive after a seasonal cycle. Stressing a plant by keeping it alive long past its genetic programming causes it to do what it can to reproduce. In females it is to produce pollen I am with AimAim and believe that pushing a male past its life span would compel it to produce pollen as well.


Well-Known Member
I think the point that AimAim was making is that female plants often put out single pollen sacks when grown way past maturity. Remember marijuana is an annual plant that produces seed and typically does not survive after a seasonal cycle. Stressing a plant by keeping it alive long past its genetic programming causes it to do what it can to reproduce. In females it is to produce pollen I am with AimAim and believe that pushing a male past its life span would compel it to produce pollen as well.
Females producing pollen? U, my friend, are growing some really fucked up mj plants!