MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

medi grower

Active Member
Cloning is pretty simple. You can make clones from cuttings you would have anyway, such as when you top the plant. You can also make clones from cutting nodes and rooting them. Either way, cut at a 45 degree angle and finish with each before cutting another. Dip the cut end in rooting gel and poke it into a rooting cube, giving it about a 1/4 twist to help lock in the cutting. You should also soak your rooting cubes in neutral (7 ph) water for 24 hours to stabilize the ph of the cube. When you have your cuttings all in cubes, put them under a humidity tent with a temp around 85 and some, not too much, ventilation. Keep the cubes just moist with a 1/4 solution of blooming fertilizer and foliar feed with the same (not too much food!) Within 2-4 weeks you should see roots showing through the ube's sides and bottom. The clone is now ready to be potted (cube and all) and put under lights like a seedling (rooting should be done under a flourescent light.) I suggest that you take a couple of extra cuttings while you're getting the hang of it. Hope this helped.


Active Member
Hellz yeah dude, I can't wait until Harvest!!!! My first Girl, and She's beautiful, got all these groups of pretty white hairs and little buds forming. She's going to be so tasty, only 'cause I grew Her 'cause Shes probably only going to be like a Mid-Grade plant, so it will be just like the feeling of accomplishment when I toke Her first buds!!!! Unless Middies has nothing to do with the strain but rather how its grown/cured, I keep all the seeds I get from my bags(unless the smoke really sucked, then I just throw 'em away) and I didn't use to separate them so it would be seeds from a bag of Mids one day, and the next day a bag of some Kind-Bud (I find seed(s) every once in a while if i'm lucky), or whatever strains I get, but I use to put them all in a bottle together. Now I separate them by Dankness but my next grow I want to get some Feminized G13/Purple Haze Hybrid seeds 'cause my grow spot can only house like 2-3 plants b/c of my lights(separate) right now so I don't want to go threw the whole not knowing if they're Females or what(like this time, 4 plants = 3 Males, 1 Female). But as soon as I get an extra $200.00 bucks, i'm going to get this cool ass H.P.S./M.H. light system. It has a innerchangable socket so I can use the M.H. bulbs for Veg. and the H.P.S. bulbs for Flower, its going to be frickin' sweet b/c then I will be able to grow 5 or 6 girls and I will still have my flourescents so I can use them to help. But anyways, does anyone know on average about how long it takes a Female to be ready for Harvest? And about how long until my baby will have big ass buds on Her? She already has some small buds, and big groups of white hairs, and it's been 3 weeks 2 days into Flowering. Thanks guys, take it easy. ~ JRock.

P.S. My Girl has some brown spots on Her "fan" leafs and some leafs are kind of wilting. I didn't have good nutes until like 2 days ago, I had M.G. Household Plant Food 8-6-7 or 8-7-6 and now I know that sucks and the Home Depot by my house only had Miracle-Grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15 so thats what I have now. I used it once the first day but the box says only to use it every 7-14 days should I follow those directions or should I give Her some nutes every couple of days? Lots of ppl on here say they give their babies nutes every couple-o-days so I don't know what to do, please help...anyone. Also, I have been watering everyday the whole grow and from what i've read/seen on here says that I should only water every 2-3 days, could over watering have caused the browning/wilting leafs? Or lack of nutes? Or something totally different? Thanks again dudes.


New Member
get rid of the foil. Foil creates hot spots that will burn the leaves of your plant. Use mylar instead.

I know how you feel about the males, out of 5 plants I got 3 males too, it's a real pisser when that happens.


New Member
Hellz yeah dude, I can't wait until Harvest!!!! My first Girl, and She's beautiful, got all these groups of pretty white hairs and little buds forming. She's going to be so tasty, only 'cause I grew Her 'cause Shes probably only going to be like a Mid-Grade plant, so it will be just like the feeling of accomplishment when I toke Her first buds!!!! Unless Middies has nothing to do with the strain but rather how its grown/cured, I keep all the seeds I get from my bags(unless the smoke really sucked, then I just throw 'em away) and I didn't use to separate them so it would be seeds from a bag of Mids one day, and the next day a bag of some Kind-Bud (I find seed(s) every once in a while if i'm lucky), or whatever strains I get, but I use to put them all in a bottle together. Now I separate them by Dankness but my next grow I want to get some Feminized G13/Purple Haze Hybrid seeds 'cause my grow spot can only house like 2-3 plants b/c of my lights(separate) right now so I don't want to go threw the whole not knowing if they're Females or what(like this time, 4 plants = 3 Males, 1 Female). But as soon as I get an extra $200.00 bucks, i'm going to get this cool ass H.P.S./M.H. light system. It has a innerchangable socket so I can use the M.H. bulbs for Veg. and the H.P.S. bulbs for Flower, its going to be frickin' sweet b/c then I will be able to grow 5 or 6 girls and I will still have my flourescents so I can use them to help. But anyways, does anyone know on average about how long it takes a Female to be ready for Harvest? And about how long until my baby will have big ass buds on Her? She already has some small buds, and big groups of white hairs, and it's been 3 weeks 2 days into Flowering. Thanks guys, take it easy. ~ JRock.

P.S. My Girl has some brown spots on Her "fan" leafs and some leafs are kind of wilting. I didn't have good nutes until like 2 days ago, I had M.G. Household Plant Food 8-6-7 or 8-7-6 and now I know that sucks and the Home Depot by my house only had Miracle-Grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15 so thats what I have now. I used it once the first day but the box says only to use it every 7-14 days should I follow those directions or should I give Her some nutes every couple of days? Lots of ppl on here say they give their babies nutes every couple-o-days so I don't know what to do, please help...anyone. Also, I have been watering everyday the whole grow and from what i've read/seen on here says that I should only water every 2-3 days, could over watering have caused the browning/wilting leafs? Or lack of nutes? Or something totally different? Thanks again dudes.
theres no such thing as mids and schwag ect.. well there is but thats because of the way its cared for and handled.... if you care for her enough she will be premo bro...bongsmilie


New Member
I had some really shit weed a few weeks ago. I was going to grow some of the seeds just to see what the weed was really supposed to be like, but they wouldn't sprout, I think the shit may have been oven dried or something that sterilized the seeds. Bummer, I was looking forward to some excellent weed from some shitty seed.


Active Member
You guys just made my day, fuck that, you just made my year!!!! I thought I was just going to get some okay, but not that great, bud b/c of what the bag was like. But if She's going to be a SEXY ass plant then thats the best news i've heard in years!!!! Today I went in to feed Her and She has all these new bud sites, and the pre-exsisting sites are all getting soooo big now with so many hairs they just look like buds of white hairs!!!! Its so tight, She looks really DANK so far, so I believe what your sayin b/c She looks like She's going to be 1 sexy, dank ass ho. But does anyone know about my problem w/ Her leafs? And how long should I wait between giving Her nutes? The box says every 7-14 days but that sounds too long, and I haven't been giving Her the right nutes until like 4 days ago, so I don't want Her to starve. Nutes = 15-30-15, how long do you all usually wait to feed/water? HELP PLZ!!!! Thanks again dudes. ~ JRock.


New Member
I overfeed sometimes and get a little nute burn, so I won't suggest anything on that note, but did you get rid of the foil? That could be causing the brown spots on your leaves.

My first plant was some bagseed and she turned out great and was some of the best bud I've ever smoked and I've been smoking for near 25 years now.


Active Member
She seems to be doing a lot better since I started giving Her the new nutes (15-30-15) but there are still a couple of brown spots and wilted leafs, but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, and She's blooming great so hopefully the problem has been solved. I have another question for you guys tho....when my Girl is ready for Harvest, i've heard that you don't actually have to cut/pull Her to cure the buds. I've heard that you can actually just pluck the buds and/or cut some bud-steams to get the bud, and then just hang the bud/bud-steams up to cure them like you would if you had killed Her. Then you just do everything else the same to cure them like you would if you had killed Her. And then, since you didn't kill Her, you can put Her back on 24/0 light or 18/6 or whatever light cycle you do for Veg. and then in a couple of weeks, after She has healed, you can put Her back into the Flower cycle and Harvest again in a couple of months. Is any of this true? I want to know b/c before my next grow I want/need to get that H.P.S./M.H. lighting system and it might take me awhile(Christmas at the latest) to get the cash for it and I really don't want to wait that long before I can start another grow, 'cause then it will add so much time before my next Harvest which will mess everything up. So....if it's possible....I want to Harvest my Baby in like a month or 2, then switch Her back to Veg. for however long, then Flower/Harvest again and by that time, I shall have my H.P.S./M.H. lights and be ready to grow some dank ass shit from Attitude!!!! Thanks dudes. ~ JRock.

P.S. Here are some pics of my Baby Girl(Little more then 3 weeks into Flower)!!!!



Active Member
Thanks guys, She's even more fuckin' beautiful now. She's has so many bud sites they're alllll over Her, white hairs everywhere. It's so awsome, I love Her soooo much, I can't wait to enjoy Her buds!!!! Which brings me to my next question....Anyone know about how long from the START of Flowering to the END? I really can't wait for Harvest, I am sooooooo fuckin' excited!!!! So I would really love to atleast have like a "estaimated guess" date to look forward to if anyone can help. Also, She has been Flowering for about 4 & 1/2 weeks if that helps. PLEASE!!!!WHEN WILL SHE BE DONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Thanks dudes. ~ JRock.


Well-Known Member
the best time to harvest is when 75-80% if the trichomes are an amber color, not clear white, not orange. Right in the middle. I'd say you had about 4-6 more weeks before she is done, I say that only because of your lights. Get that jewler's loop 10X and watch the trichomes. Then you have to go thru the drying and curing process. Dry till branches snap, paper bag a couple of days, total about 14 days, then jar them up for another week or two. Remove the lid for 15 minustes each day. Store the jars in a cool dark place. You think they are beautiful now, wait till that sweet aroma hits your nose as you cure. G'Luck wit da gro, BE PATIENT, smoke her after she's fully cured.



Well-Known Member
the best time to harvest is when 75-80% if the trichomes are an amber color, not clear white, not orange. Right in the middle. I'd say you had about 4-6 more weeks before she is done, I say that only because of your lights. Get that jewler's loop 10X and watch the trichomes. Then you have to go thru the drying and curing process. Dry till branches snap, paper bag a couple of days, total about 14 days, then jar them up for another week or two. Remove the lid for 15 minustes each day. Store the jars in a cool dark place. You think they are beautiful now, wait till that sweet aroma hits your nose as you cure. G'Luck wit da gro, BE PATIENT, smoke her after she's fully cured.

doesnt that depend what kind of high you want ? ie more cloudy = energy mind high... more red = couch lock, relax type high ... ?