Male or Female? And why such slow growth?


Active Member
My plants are growing so slow it sucks. Theyre a month old now and hardly 3 inches tall. I dont know what the problem is!

Also, you probably cant tell yet because these pictures suck and theyre still so little, but I'm wondering if they are male or female...


Active Member
First glance looks a little on the HOT side in your room with possible very little air exchange happening.. Do you have an intake and exhaust? Other than that they look like they aren't doing terrible. What are you feeding them? Hours of light?



Active Member
Oh yeah, firstly you need to pull those lights back a few inches at least. You want them to grow to the light, not cook in it.


Active Member
Yeah I think i need more ventilation. I have nothing except 3 two inch holes cut into the closet doors. There is a fan oscillating in the closet itself, but none blowing air into the closet. I know, I need one. Right now the lights are off for 5 hours. Theyre in foxfarm ocean forest soil and I'm feeding them jacks classic houseplant. I couldnt afford to get it online I had to get it cheap at a grow shop and its all they really had... it was either that or miracle grow. I water them about once a day but lightly. I dont overwater the soil just gets dried up real quick because of the lights being in the pots...