Male or Female? Help pleaes


bud bootlegger
i want to say it is a female, but can you get a few more pix a lil closer up please so that we can help you out a lil better..
its still a little early to tell from this point from what i can see on my comp. sexing a plant is one of the easiest things usually can be determined in the first ten days of flowering. if you have a female you will start to see little white hairs popping out and if mail little pollen sack clusters


bud bootlegger
see in that first pix you put up there, the main stem is nice and clean, then about half way down the pix, you can see a branch and some leafs coming into the shot, well more so the leaf on the left hand side after the stem is pretty bare for awhile.. if you look right at the stem right near there, it kinda looks like pistils, a female preflower to me, but i need a closer shot of that area of the plant to be sure.


Well-Known Member
It's to early to tell, What's sticking out is what's call a "calyx". Some people take it as a sign for a female but it isnt. They grow on both male and female plants, you'll see 'hairs' growing out between of the calyx and the steam if it's a female. Google marijuana calyx and you'll get some photo's to what I mean.
Take a clone, that way if you have a female you wont have to hope next time, you'll know! Happy growing bro!