Male Or Female Look Look Look ?????


Well-Known Member
so im not a total newbie this is my second grow (northern lights) 1 male 1 female i think so im really happy today as i know i have atleast 1 female the first seed i germinated aswell :) i cant wait till she starts budding just needs confirmation that 1 is a male because he is showing sex really early compared to my female which took 2 more weeks when i kill him should i just put him in a bag and in the bin or can i make hash or what ever out of it aslo i cant put him in our dustbin because the council check our bin to make sure we recycle :)
female from above

female from the side

male :(

male :(


Well-Known Member
yep 1 female,1 male,,,,,atleast you got 1,alot of ppl who only grow 2 regular seeds get 2 males,so count yaself lucky,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
1st hard to tell
2nd looks female
3+4 look male..................Happy farming....May all your twisty's burn true...:)


Well-Known Member
can't tell you anything different than anyone else, first 2 pics are female, second 2 pics are male.


Well-Known Member
Not sure why they would smell different...luckily, smell doesn't determine potency. I've got a Blueberry plant at 4 weeks flower and it's only a little skunky. Good luck with your 1 female, looks like a really healthy plant. Props..peace.