Male or Female? newbie here!


Hey everyone,
Brand new to the forums and a first time grower here...

I took some pics of my babies because I'm not 100% sure which are male and female at this point. They are about 1 week into flowering at this stage...

I have a good feeling the first two pics are's the 3rd pic I'm not too sure of.

Any help would be appreciated!

stink hole

Active Member
are they of the same plant??????the first two pics are females for sure the 3rd pic hard for me to tell...hope that helps......if it does +rep


cool, thanks for the feedback so far everyone! I figured the first two were females...

Nope, they're not the same plant...I have about 8 in total, but I only took pictures of the ones I wasn't sure of.

It's hard to tell from that 3rd picture (my camera can't focus in quite close enough) but where the leaf stem joins the main stem, instead of little white hairs there are small "balls" this a sign of male? How long do I have until it's too late?


well if you see little balls then its def a male and you have until the burst to get ride of them but as soon as your positive would be the appropriate time cause they can go at anypoint.