male or female? please help meee


Active Member
hello all, i this is my first grow and i have one plant going that has been under the 12/12 light cycle, under 2 26watt cfl's(2700k), for the past 10 days. It seems to be budding, but i would like some input from others whether or not it is a female.
I noticed little ball shaped things at the nodes, but from pictures i have seen, to me it doesnt look like male seed sacks....but i dont see any whisps coming of the pistil. please help me out



Active Member
yeah i can't tell, like its definately budding on top, but the their are between 1 and 2 on the top two levels of the plant, so about 6 in total....?

should i add close up picture or any other suggestions if its a hermie(i have heard about pinching thee balls off) hehe


Active Member
if the balls pollinate the female hairs, what will happen, does that mean the buds will become un-smokablee????


Active Member
keep an eye on it see if starts growin two little hairs if not its a hermi but on mine i though the same thing which was my last one out of 4 but she grew hair :)