male or female preflower?? can you tell yet?


Well-Known Member
yea if in doubt, wait a few days, the males arent gonna pollenate anything immediatly, best to make 110% sure your not chopping a lady


Active Member
im gonna post more pics later on, two or 3 plants i notices little white hairs in a V shape..others still look like little a little oval growing between shoot and branch, not too sure with these yet, but im gonna take 8 individual pics of all my plants


Well-Known Member
My money's on males...
It's not a negative thing, it's just what I see...but the new pics should be easy as hell to see what they are.


Active Member
so i took these pics today, a week after i switched into flowering. only 3 of 8 were male...they're history now...


bud bootlegger
yah, only pix 3 and 8 looked like they were males..
and congrats on the ratio you got, i just pulled 6 males out of 11 plants.. i knew that i was going to get some males, but christ, it killed me to have to pull six of them out of the grow.. i guess it was all for the better though as i surely didn't have enough room for 11, but it still kills me to this day to grow them out only to be males..


Active Member
yeah it does suck, but it was getting crowded in there, so i guess the extra room of 3 plants being gone will help the girls grow big buds


Active Member
yah, only pix 3 and 8 looked like they were males..
and congrats on the ratio you got, i just pulled 6 males out of 11 plants.. i knew that i was going to get some males, but christ, it killed me to have to pull six of them out of the grow.. i guess it was all for the better though as i surely didn't have enough room for 11, but it still kills me to this day to grow them out only to be males..

only 3rd and 4th pics are male pics