Male or female

i have had this plant for at least 2 months it wont pre flower and its huge .my camera sucks so the pic is shitty can anyone help me.I dont know what strain all i know is i feed it once a week with fox farm product bat guano and plant is growing well and has many tops just no pollin sack or no white hairs what should i domale or fem.jpgrecent.jpg06182010.jpg



Active Member
can't say, better photos. Just keep it growing, it will show pretty soon. You could also force it with the bag method. I would just let it do it's thing own it's own. Good luck
they finally started showing sex today.i see tiny white hairs poking out on the nodes. i dont see bumps on the stem but im going to give it a week to develop a little more so I can tell 100 percent .if I happen to have a male next to the female how long do I have before it damages the goods?I also took a few more pics but my face is in them and I dont want to be seen lol .


Well-Known Member
it takes quite a few weeks for a male that has recently been sexed to pollinate a female, when you descide to chop him down, remove the polling sacks, dry the whole plant, stick it in the freezer to crystalize what little thc he has, chop him up and make hash, which ever method you prefer