male or female?

ive had this plant growing now 6 week and i am going to start the 12/12 period. Is the only way to tell if its a male or female by doing this untill you see th hairs or seed balls appering. Its outside in a same plastic green house.


does the growth pattern look like a male? i was looking at some othe pictures on here about male plants with the nodes so far apart and long. its beind a fence which when the sun light eventually gets it, its on it for about 6-7 hours.


Well-Known Member
We need to see close-ups of the internodes, to be able to sex it for ya. At 6 weeks, it should be showing tiny preflowers, even in veg. Can you post a couple more pics?


Active Member
ya closer pics, but if you see hairs its a girl if it has balls you've got a boy, if nothing look at it tomorrow.