Male or female?


Well-Known Member
More waiting.. :-|
In your situation that would be the best thing to do. you wouldn't want to kill an innocent chica :D

i think you are all-right !
we are ALL correct? or I am an okay guy? either way your wrong (all of us can't be right, and I am a terrible person :D LMAO)

Also taking clones from a vegging plant to check sex is effective.
BINGO!!! great advice. take a clone, throw it in 12/12 (LABEL THEM WELL!!!) then cut down the males.


I'm seeing 2 more that are looking very similar to the one I posted a pic of. I've got 5 more that aren't showing any signs yet. I've got to think that out of 8, at least ONE of them has to be a female. If it turns out they're all male, it's a sign to go find something else to do with my time. Perhaps a chia pet.


Active Member
to young to tell, it can go either way right now, I used bagseed for my last grow and the hieghts where all over the place, after 5 weeks i had 1 plant 29" tall and it turned into a male.... bastard plant

so check it every day and it will either have little balls or tiny skinny long white things sticking out.... once you put a male and a female next to each other you will know who is what... then kill the male, dont leave a male with females or else doooooom