Male or female?


Well-Known Member
Ok im sorry i dont have pics, but i can easily describe the plants, they have like little leaves coming out where the stem splits into branches. idk if these are balls are pistils.? they seem to be long little leaves to. if that helps


Active Member
Those arn't flowers of any kind. Those are normal during the vegitative stage. If you are flowering, you want to look between those small long leaves and the new growth, for little balls or vase shaped growth.


Well-Known Member
this matters, but it sounds like it's just too early yet. you will definitely see little ball sacs (they look exactly like miniature seeds) when they start to produce. they also come out from various 'nodes' these are those intersection as you put them, all along the stem. being a first time grower, I am into my 7th day of flower and just trashed 3 males I found. So today, I learned first hand precisely what a male looked like. it's too late tonite where I am now, but tomorrow here (ok in about 8 hrs. from now lol) I'll post male pics so you know what top look for. but the green hairs could be either sex. when you see WHITE hairs, and you will know the difference, then that is a female.