male or female ?


Active Member
Man, whenever you see little white hairs growing means female, whenever you see small sacks "balls" growing its a male.
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Active Member
thanks guys ive managed to remove two male plants up to now from my first batch which is mango i know that 1 of the remaining 2 is definatly female the other is proving to be unidentifiable. i also have a batch of 8 other plants which are snow white ive no idea what sex any of them are but heres a few pics for anyone who feels they may be able to tell me all help welcome.sorry if pics are a bit blurred:mrgreen:



Active Member
i have a large 6ft+ mango verierty plant i had two branches off the main stem snap they are still attatched to the plant and are not showing any signs of dying i have lifted them back up into position and secured them will the continue to grow or will they die


Active Member
thanks i have done that found another 2 had snapped today i think its the weight of them + the rain. i also found some small catterpillar type insects happily munching away on one of my other plants so i have stripped off the affected leaves just hope they dont return


Well-Known Member
it will prob be like 2-3 weeks,dependin on how u like ur trichs,i personally love the narcotic feelin so i let them go a little longer.

throw up a pic of the trichs if u can get a close one


New Member
8 to 10 weeks.check the pistil colouration and the tricome colour and harvest to your personal requirements.
stoned+high or welded to the floor????.


Active Member
thanks.this is my first grow i have 6 snow white and 1 mango but the one in the picture i dont know what it is the seeds came free with the snow white ones said there a swiss outdoor mix seem to be goin great though.