male plant or pollinated female plant?

can someone tell me if this appears to be male plants or female plants that were pollinated? I had a couple of males, one I think I got to a little bit late and I'm not sure. Thank you


Is it normal that as of a week ago, these looked like normal females, and suddenly they switched?? Makes three males out of seven, are those regular odds with non-femenized seeds?
Thanks for all your inputs.


Active Member
Looks like a male from the get go. Doesn't look like it has female traits anywhere at all. Did it have white pistils at all? How longs in been in flower less than 2 weeks prob didn't wait for it to fully show sex is all


Well-Known Member
Is it normal that as of a week ago, these looked like normal females, and suddenly they switched?? Makes three males out of seven, are those regular odds with non-femenized seeds?
Thanks for all your inputs.
3/7 seeds male is quite good...they usually average out at 50/50.
(and that was always a male ;) )