Male plants into hash?


Active Member
they were starting to bud, noticed they were male i chopped them down, did blender method and atm filtering the tri-whatevers out. but isntead of a nice thing of hash in the filter i seen a green swamp like pulp


Well-Known Member
That green swamp-like pulp should be your hash.

I've never made it myself, but I think you're supposed to let the stuff you collected harden. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
actually you can make some good hash out of a male plant, your method is good. i just cut my male plant down and chopped it up and put it in a coffee filter and soaked it in 100 proof vodka (green dragon) hopefully it turns out good. You can always use your male plants for something.


Active Member
its basically just soaking your buds or male plants or any kind of cuttings in some strong liquor, such as 100 proof vodka, but i here everclear works the best, just let it soak in a dark room for a couple of weeks or even months, and thats green dragon. you can look on wikipedia and i think it tells you different methods on how to do it.