Male Potency


Well-Known Member
So i'm planning to make hash with my males. Is there any advantage to leaving them to blossom before doing so?


New Member
I dont think you can make hash with males.. they only produce seeds and you cant make hash with seeds.. i could be wrong but im pretty sure you cant .
AND, You need like a shit load of bud to make hash.


Well-Known Member
I read that you can make hash with males... and I dont believe waiting for them to flower makes a diference... all parts of both male and female plants have THC and other high making chemicals... not the roots though... I'm waiting to buy some butane to make some butane hash with my males...
males dont make seeds... only polen... I for some reason always thought males made seeds too... I guess I never really thought too hard about it... until I gre out a male a few years ago to make some seeds and ended up with balls of powder... I was pretty confused back than


New Member
I read that you can make hash with males... and I dont believe waiting for them to flower makes a diference... all parts of both male and female plants have THC and other high making chemicals... not the roots though... I'm waiting to buy some butane to make some butane hash with my males...
males dont make seeds... only polen... I for some reason always thought males made seeds too... I guess I never really thought too hard about it... until I gre out a male a few years ago to make some seeds and ended up with balls of powder... I was pretty confused back than
damn that makes sense. thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah the male makes polen and impregnates the female with said polen, and she makes the seed.

hash can definatly be made with males, and just like females if you want to get the most thc you should probably harvest right about the end of it's life, after it's made most of it's florets and most have opened.


Well-Known Member
yes cup... listen to him... look at him he must be like 60 with a blunt the size of jamaca...


Well-Known Member
I think u can make hash with male can just grind/blend it up and add som shit and filter then dry then enjoy..I what I hear anyway..a(y would u use good bud for hash does it make it more potent?)i just cant see bbutan or arubbing alchol helping a good bud..what do u think?


Active Member
You can definitely do a butane extraction with male plants and get high off the results....I know because I just did it with my male plant. Don't expect very much though.

Also grain alcohol (everclear) works ok for an extraction its just not as clean as the butane. I think some of the chlorophyll gets dissolved in the water thats in the alcohol.


Well-Known Member
yea I stick yo butane... everclear is for making tasty drinks... and its illegal where I live so I have to go out of state for it...


Well-Known Member
You can definitely do a butane extraction with male plants and get high off the results....I know because I just did it with my male plant. Don't expect very much though.

Also grain alcohol (everclear) works ok for an extraction its just not as clean as the butane. I think some of the chlorophyll gets dissolved in the water thats in the alcohol.
It does. That's why you want to boil off the 1%- 5% water first. Really easy, only takes a few minutes. It's not much to worry about anyway... Most of it will evaporate if the container is opened for a few hours.

Any yes, you can make hash or honey oil with male plants. The older the better, but if you have some femmes in your place, there are obvious logistical reason for not letting them go very long. Butane, ether, or ethanol extraction is the way to go to get the most out of your boy, but you can apparently make decent, traditional hash with a rolling pin, a few sieves, and/or some ice water.



Well-Known Member
thats pretty cool... going to try that... why dosent everybody do it for a little almost their smoke???


Active Member
It does. That's why you want to boil off the 1%- 5% water first. Really easy, only takes a few minutes. It's not much to worry about anyway... Most of it will evaporate if the container is opened for a few hours.
BTW you could boil everclear all day and never end up with an alcohol percentage greater than about 95.5%...cuz ethanol and water form an azeotrope (solution where equal amounts of each compound boil of at the same concentration) at that concentration....Trust I heard from a good Check out this grain alcohol setup.....All for educational purposes of course



Well-Known Member
i have aunce of leafs that i cut off trimminings, can you place them on a oven tray and put them in the oven for a few minites to dry them out, for faster drying or do i have to let them sit in a drying room for a week or 2 with a heater beside them? please send me a emiail at or send reply.


New Member
when you make hash with males.. is it best to use the pollen and everything from the males? or should u cut that off. i wanna do the blender hash.. i jus dont kno if i should keep the hole plant or take the pollen sacks off... help?