Male Preflowers?


Whats up RUI,
Alright so I have a plant that's been in 12/12 for about 5 goin on 6 days now and I'm think I'm startin to see preflowers. I wanna chop this down ASAP to make room for my other 2 plants if it is indeed male. Anyone can help me out? I kno the picture might not b as clear but my iPhone likes to get blurry if I try to get too close lol.



photo for me is not close enough, do you have a regular camera?
Nah, unfortunate I don't. They kinda look like a cluster of pods that are on a really tiny stem and this plant is the biggest of the three I have growing now. I'm almost certain they are male preflowers but I don't wanna jump the gun just yet without some other input.


Well-Known Member
Yes that is forsure no doubt a male, i would remove it from your other plants now do not wait and see, it will not change and will only do damage, i know i hate killing something you just spent time, effort, money and it just sucks unless you want seeds, then thats a great thing, but i hope you have other females and this was not your only plant.....good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh you have 2 more well good luck with them, thats why it really pays to buy fem. Seeds so you dont waste 4-10 weeks growing something for nothing....