Males...Anything good out them?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure other people have asked this question, but I couldn't really find anything on the site about it. I heard you can make hash out male plants. Today I found a male and immediately seperated it from the group of females. I don't really want to throw it out since it is 3 ft, so is there something I can do with it, like make hash or something? Please let me know. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
haha yea I know right!! I might just give them to my friend and have him smoke the dried leaves and tell me if he gets hi.

Chronic AK

Well-Known Member
if your new to growing intentionally nute burn em so you learn for next time, thats what I gonna do before I kill the basturd

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Males are NOT worth the RISK...

A male plant is like having sex withot a condom... with a girl that you would NEVER ever consider raising a kid with... It is just plain ridiculous.. to much risk!!! WITH ZERO pay off....


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
mr. trust...

HI :)

Males produce so VERY VERY little THC. why risk growing or put the energy into growing a male plant when it gives so LITTLE in return....



Well-Known Member
true garden knowm can u message me back i sent u a private message about how to setup my grow area and asked a few quesions


New Member
mr. trust...

HI :)

Males produce so VERY VERY little THC. why risk growing or put the energy into growing a male plant when it gives so LITTLE in return....

Not quite true gk. In certain strains the males can produce just as much thc and cbd as the females. They flower quicker too, although you don't get as much weight. Ask Ed', he told me in one of his books.

I wrote a thread very similar to this when I first joined, I called it males are good.


Active Member
thanks to all thats has tried to help me with my problem . one person said use nothing but female seeds. how do you know if you have female seeds ,do they have a tiny twat and boobs.(i need a good magnifier)do you give forplay to germinate them.(lol ) I need to find myself and elderly lady to give me some of her estrogen pills.(lol yea rite.i can see my self .pardon me may i have some of your estrogen pills .yea birth control pills .mama found out what was causing that and took care of it. you can say i'm caught between a rock and a hard spot. my 2nd hindu kush pant turn male and the bad thing about it is i stil have it vegitating and its only 10" high. i'm f****ked... oh by the way if you have a good strain male leaves are good allso you can cook with them, salads ,speg. turnups etc.and agian thanks to all . and i did have a good L i'll fig. it out.........chuck


New Member
Because they'll seed your fem's. Not always a bad thing. The fem's will be a little weaker in smoke and you may have to wait about 10 weeks for the seeds to fully mature.

Seeded bud is only worth half the value, but those seeds can be heavy.


Well-Known Member
hi everybody, well I got my 2 fems and a hermie growing indoors right now and keeping all 3 the hermie is a real funny plant, lower branches are fem/male mix the top is all fem, the goal of this op is seeds for next year oytdoor op, the "balls" already opening up and look like little fists...My question is when is the pollen ready for me to collect and rape the poor gals with the qtip? Also is it true that most of hermie seeds gonna be fems? How long does it take after conception for seeds to mature? Is there tell tale sines? Yes I was high of last crop males...


Active Member
a good usefullness of males is the ability to reproduce seeds :) create your own strains that you'de like the best. it does take alot of time and work but but saving and creating new genetics is always fun :)


Active Member
could u not chop up the males and soak in some acohol to produce a drink, only use i could think for them, ive used females with everclear for the high alc content and it made a nice drink, quite strong, but good if you just want to chill without lighting up.