Mammoth P company is going out of business ? Any microbe benificial bacteria replacments make organic phosphorus readily available as well?


Active Member
So Ive been noticing that Mammoth-P has been slowly disapearing from shelves and started asking around. Some hydro shops are saying that reps are saying their out and dont know whats going on and have no expected restock date. So something seems very off with how well their mammoth-p in specific worked.

Wondering if anyone knows of a similar benificials to the bacterias array they used that was specificly for breaking down phoshorus for flowering?

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Back in the day peeps were doing comparisons and side by sides with Photosynthesis +.

I also saw something about some phosphor metabolizing trichoderma here locally but never tried.

@jaked3800 how much do you estimate it helped your grow results?


Well-Known Member
So i hear, something about sulfur as conservation agent for the bacteriae.
Tried a trial bottle years back but like 99.9% of additives, snake oil. the only additive I ever seen 100% work was the old roots excelarator silver bottle. The roots were massive furry and as white as snow, god knows what was in it though lol looks like it got banned


Well-Known Member
google out of interest, what's in mammoth p?

Mammoth P™ is comprised of a consortium of four bacterial taxa (Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii, Pseudomonas putida and Comamonas testosteroni; Table 1) by a proprietary method that selected for the ability to mobilize bound P.


Active Member
Back in the day peeps were doing comparisons and side by sides with Photosynthesis +.

I also saw something about some phosphor metabolizing trichoderma here locally but never tried.

@jaked3800 how much do you estimate it helped your grow results?
And what were the results of the sid by sides with the photosynthesis plus? I used to use that a while back.

I felt like I got a 10 percent increase but have no real way of knowing as every grow is different. But I can say that using various microbes they are definitely not all "snake oil". I use "Great White Shark" powder during cloning and transplant and have done a side by side and their is a very noticable difference in root mass.