Man created God?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I do not ask you to give up anything or to take on anything. I am simply calling to you to wake up. If when you wake up, your dreams are over, it will be another story. Behavior changes along with levels of consciousness. When children grow up they automatically stop playing with dolls. They don’t make any effort to give it up, it stops automatically.

There once lived a holy man on the outskirts of a village. He lived alone in a hut without doors. There was nothing in the house that made doors necessary. One day some soldiers happened by. They went into the hut and asked for water. One of them asked the man why, since he was a sage, there wasn’t a single idol of God anywhere in the hut. The sage replied, ”The hut is very small. Do you see room for two?” The soldiers were amused at the sage’s words, and the next day they brought him a statue of God as a gift. But the sage said, ”I don’t need any image of God because he himself has been living here for a long time. And ’I’ have been lost. Don’t you see there isn’t room for two here?” The soldiers saw he was pointing to his heart. That was his hut.

God is formless. And so, his presence is formless; it has no shape. Consciousness cannot have shape either. It is boundless. It is beginningless and endless because that which just is, has neither beginning nor end. How foolish we are, making these images. We worship idols we have made of ourselves. Man has created an image of God based on his own form and so, in this way, he ends up worshipping himself. This is the height of self-deception, egoism and ignorance. God is not to be worshipped. God is to be lived. You have to install God in your life and not in the temple. You have to make every possible effort to allow god to come into your heart and to be in your every breath. For this, the disappearance of the ”I” is essential. At present that ”I” occupies your heart and pervades every moment of your life. And as long as that ”I” is within you it is impossible for God to enter. In one of his songs Kabir has said that the lane of love was very narrow and that it was impossible for two to walk along it at the same time. One night I read until very late by the light of a lamp. When I turned off the lamp I was amazed. The full moon was shining outside but the light of my tiny lamp had prevented the moonlight from entering my room. No sooner was my lamp extinguished than the nectar of the moon permeated my room. That day I cam to realize that as long as the light of ”I” shone within me, the light of God had to wait outside. The extinction of ”I”, nirvana, samadhi, are all terms for the coming of God. They are synonymous. Therefore please don’t construct any images of God, just destroy the image of ”I”. Its very absence will be the presence of God. How easy it is then to realize truth! But things that appear easy and simple are always found to be difficult. That is so because whatever is easy and simple is quickly forgotten for the same reason. We remain occupied by things that are far away and lose sight of the things that are near. We remain occupied with the other and forget the one that is our self.

Doesn’t it often happen in the theater that the audience becomes so involved in the play going on in front of them that they forget themselves? This happens in life too. Life is also a giant stage and we have become so engrossed in what is being acted out on the stage that we have forgotten the audience, the seer, the self. In order to attain truth, to attain yourself, you only have to do one thing…

– you only have to wake up, to realize you are at a play and nothing else.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It's sad, the religious ones trying to fallow their own self created path of theology will read this, and it will make sense to them. But alas, they will refuse to accept it and continue to live out their lives in denial. For to lay your troubles at the feet of one greater than yourself and to trust your fate to that power would be a relief. But in doing so it allows you to feel as if you no longer have to be directly responsible for whatever you do. So change in ones behavior is not necessary.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
It's sad, the religious ones trying to fallow their own self created path of theology will read this, and it will make sense to them. But alas, they will refuse to accept it and continue to live out their lives in denial. For to lay your troubles at the feet of one greater than yourself and to trust your fate to that power would be a relief. But in doing so it allows you to feel as if you no longer have to be directly responsible for whatever you do. So change in ones behavior is not necessary.
...change in behavior can come in a couple of different ways. One would be an event. I mean, the event of a person's life. It could be all kinds of things, but some crazy event can stir a person and create change - instantly. (there are some branches of psychology that claim this type of an event is the only way real change happens) Another way is by being the 'scrutinator' of your own mind. Then the chaff is burnt away, so to speak. Much like a metaphysical occam's razor.