Man dies in freak accident in charlottesville


Well-Known Member
Is it wrong that I laughed a little?

A 39-year-old Charlottesville man died Thursday in a freak accident involving his washing machine.
According to police reports, Samuel Randolph Strickson was doing laundry when he tried to speed up the process. Strickson apparently tried to stuff approximately 50 pounds of laundry into his washing machine by climbing on top of the washer and attempting to force the clothing into the basin. Strickson then apparently accidentally kicked the washing machine's ON button. When the machine turned on, Strickson lost his balance and both feet went down into the machine where they got stuck.
The machine started its cycle, and Strickson, unable to free himself, started thrashing around as the machine's agitator went into gear. Strickson's head banged against a nearby shelf in the laundry room, knocking over a bottle of bleach, which poured over Strickson's face, blinding him. Forensic reports say Strickson apparently also swallowed some of the bleach. He then vomited, but was still unable to free himself. Strickson's dog, then apparently came into the laundry room.
At about the same time, according to police, a large box of baking soda fell from the shelf, startling the dog, who then urinated. Urine, like vinegar, is acidic, and the chemical reaction between the urine and the baking soda resulted in "a small explosion," according to police reports. The dog, however, escaped unharmed. Strickson remained stuck in the washing machine, which eventually went into its high- speed spin cycle, spinning Strickson around at about 70 miles per hour, according to forensic experts. Strickson's head then smashed against a steel beam behind the washing machine, immediately killing him.
A neighbor heard the commotion and called 911, but Strickson was pronounced dead at the scene.
OMFG!!! How horrible!

A few things don't make sense here... First off if he were standing on the machine and legs went in, why didn't he just use his hand to hit the OFF switch? Even if he had bleach in his eyes it's a BIG HUGE knob that could be easily hit without seeing it.

Also, the spin cycle takes a long time to start.... he should have been able to pull the clothes out of the machine a few pieces at a time to free himself. WTF... was this guy drunk?

Lastly... if the man was dead when they got there, how exactly do they know all the details of what happened and in what order. What the hell, was it the talking Bush Beans dog? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
OMFG!!! How horrible!

A few things don't make sense here... First off if he were standing on the machine and legs went in, why didn't he just use his hand to hit the OFF switch? Even if he had bleach in his eyes it's a BIG HUGE knob that could be easily hit without seeing it.

Also, the spin cycle takes a long time to start.... he should have been able to pull the clothes out of the machine a few pieces at a time to free himself. WTF... was this guy drunk?

Lastly... if the man was dead when they got there, how exactly do they know all the details of what happened and in what order. What the hell, was it the talking Bush Beans dog? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Always playing devils advocate eh?
Always playing devils advocate eh?

LOL... I just can't get my mind around it. It seems like there should have been plenty of opportunity to stop the machine and get out of it before the spin cycle kicked in. :confused:

Oh well.... at least the dog got out unharmed :mrgreen:
Lol even if it was real I'd laugh and NOT GIVE A FUCK:mrgreen: He must have done some crazy nasty shit to deserve some bad ass karma.
OMG! I shouldn't laugh either but wtf!:confused:
I did too when I heard he tried stuffing 50lbs of clothing into it... Darwin sure can pick'em.

talk about a fucking bad day.
no kidding:-?

OMFG!!! How horrible!

A few things don't make sense here... First off if he were standing on the machine and legs went in, why didn't he just use his hand to hit the OFF switch? Even if he had bleach in his eyes it's a BIG HUGE knob that could be easily hit without seeing it.

Also, the spin cycle takes a long time to start.... he should have been able to pull the clothes out of the machine a few pieces at a time to free himself. WTF... was this guy drunk?

Lastly... if the man was dead when they got there, how exactly do they know all the details of what happened and in what order. What the hell, was it the talking Bush Beans dog? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

sherlock Florida chick:hump:
They tested this myth(man stuck in washing machine when standing in it trying to stuff to much crap in it) on the tv show Mythbusters a few years ago so I would question this story is true, but it could definitely kill someone who got stuck in there.
They tested this myth(man stuck in washing machine when standing in it trying to stuff to much crap in it) on the tv show Mythbusters a few years ago so I would question this story is true, but it could definitely kill someone who got stuck in there.

gotta love mythbusters haha
I did too when I heard he tried stuffing 50lbs of clothing into it... Darwin sure can pick'em.

100,000,000 sperm and thats the 1 that made it..go figure.........(IF).

They tested this myth(man stuck in washing machine when standing in it trying to stuff to much crap in it) on the tv show Mythbusters a few years ago so I would question this story is true, but it could definitely kill someone who got stuck in there.

Love mythbusters...... mmmmm...Kari..