Man Im So Boggled Right Now, Help me out.


Well-Known Member
I got a question, How does UVB increase thc content when the plant is growing, but degrade it while the buds are drying?

Does this mean that its better to harvest during the day end of the day? Or At the end of the night?


Well-Known Member
I feel some over thinking may be occurring here. ;-)

Harvesting after darkness is what I try for. Having tried both on exact same phenotypes I can wholeheartedly testify that it has no discernible impact on the strength or quality of the finished herb.


Well-Known Member
I feel some over thinking may be occurring here. ;-)

Harvesting after darkness is what I try for. Having tried both on exact same phenotypes I can wholeheartedly testify that it has no discernible impact on the strength or quality of the finished herb.
With reguards to how high you get, and taste, and aroma go?


Well-Known Member
to boil it down, UVB harms the plant, so it react by protecting itself, in trichomes, so in other words it produce more trichomes, once harvest this light will break down the active stuff in the THC, so keep it out of sun/strong light after harvest


Well-Known Member
With reguards to how high you get, and taste, and aroma go?
Yeah. It makes no difference any human could tell. There may be a very slight increase in thc, but I would guess in the .005%'s which is impossible to read with human judgement.

If weed is good at the point of harvest and is cured well, the point it is pulled in the light cycle is irrelevant in my experience to the quality of the finished product. It is all about how well you have grown and how well you harvest/cure.


Well-Known Member
to boil it down, UVB harms the plant, so it react by protecting itself, in trichomes, so in other words it produce more trichomes, once harvest this light will break down the active stuff in the THC, so keep it out of sun/strong light after harvest
That, clearly, is the most helpful reading of the 'science' posted by the OP.


Well-Known Member
I feel like there is more to this than the obvious, even to the most experienced growers. From my own experience, I have noticed longer dark periods, and colder root zones, will produce more trichomes than a more intense application of uvb light. Also, putting your plants in a 48-72 hour darkness period with about 40 degree water during this time will produce an explosion of trichomes on the flowers. This means that uvb has nothing to do with trichome production. However, UVB is directly linked to the thc concentration within the trichomes and flowers of the plant. What I want to know is how, according to multiple sources, that uvb degrades thc once the plant is harvested but increases concentration when applied to plants while growing.

Is this because once the plant is harvested, compounds that develop into thc molecules are no longer produced and then further degraded from thc to a lesser potent compound and not replaced like they would on a growing plant, but when a plant is growing, are those degraded THC molecules replaced by newer thc molecules in a higher concentration and harvesting at the exact time when the highest thc concentration to the highest trichome concentration is achieved. From then on, preventing thc breakdown by avoiding uvb exposure is key? Is that what the pick no bud before it is ready concept is all about?