Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.


17 years proves it!!!!!!!!

Not the centuries of data collected that prove you're a GOP denialist retard

Holy shit, this is too good!

PS dum dum, like I told you before, NASA supports ACC, anything you find at NASA to try to discredit it shows your enormous lack of reading comprehension and illustrates your inability to understand how the fuck science actually works

Go tell Dawkins how you know evolution is a hoax, dipshit
Well well well you seem to be a "Global Staying the same/Cooling Denialist"
Pre 17 years ago, [how old were you 12-13?] you may not understand, it was bad, things were going to shit, global warming was real!
Now, with no warming, you and others like you with a mind set set in stone, refuse to even consider the opposite effect that is happening... No new Global Warming...
You want new taxes to curb the problem that does not exist...
You my fellow poster are a true climate change denier:
This is how it works:
Well well well you seem to be a "Global Staying the same/Cooling Denialist"
Pre 17 years ago, [how old were you 12-13?] you may not understand, it was bad, things were going to shit, global warming was real!
Now, with no warming, you and others like you with a mind set set in stone, refuse to even consider the opposite effect that is happening... No new Global Warming...
You want new taxes to curb the problem that does not exist...
You my fellow poster are a true climate change denier:
This is how it works:

Let me get you AC's rebuttal to that proposed Milankovitch cycle hypothesis.

I refuse to read something you have not read.

Way back on page 28, lots of AC butthurt when it came to Milokovitch.
NASA thinks ice melts are natural variations. They are very careful with their language, if one listens astutely. "Climate Change is Real--says Walt Meier of..."
Note the lack of attribution to humans. And this is what I have consistently witnessed in my observations of them.

NASA thinks ice melts are natural variations. They are very careful with their language, if one listens astutely. "Climate Change is Real--says Walt Meier of..."
Note the lack of attribution to humans. And this is what I have consistently witnessed in my observations of them.

they dont attribute the loss of northern ice and the increase in southern ice to human action because THEY CANT.

the milenkovic cycles clearly illustrate the northern hemisphere summers are currently cooler, and winters are warmer because the northern hemisphere's summer currently occurs at Aphelion (the farthest point from the sun int the orbit)

as a direct result, the southern hemisphere currently gets hotter summers and colder winters.

inequitable distribution of land masses between north and south result in a general warming trend (ongoing for 12000 years) and the generally more hospitable climate in the north

when the peak occurs (in some 200 years or so) the process will reverse, and the southern hemisphere will eventually get more sunlight in winter and less in summer. when that happens we get another Glaciation.

so, from this we can determine that Physics is Racist, and elimination of this Racism in physics would eliminate the Global Warming Nightmare, and prevent future Global Cooling Catastrophes.

time for the left to devise ways to "Redistribute" the continents and reduce "Geographic Inequity"

i propose that the US must institute Press gangs and chain all americans to oars, so we can paddle the US south of the equator, thus eliminating "Science Injustice"

this would also help to "Smash Capitalism", so we got that going for us too.
NASA thinks ice melts are natural variations. They are very careful with their language, if one listens astutely. "Climate Change is Real--says Walt Meier of..."
Note the lack of attribution to humans. And this is what I have consistently witnessed in my observations of them.


"Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position."

Why are you purposefully trying to distort what NASA says about ACC? It seems to me they're very clear in their stance on it.

"Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position."

Why are you purposefully trying to distort what NASA says about ACC? It seems to me they're very clear in their stance on it.

now who is distorting the NASA position?

The actual image:

from reference 1:
The observed spatial patterns of temperature change in the free atmosphere from 1963 to 1987 are similar to those predicted by state-of-the-art climate models incorporating various combinations of changes in carbon dioxide, anthropogenic sulphate aerosol and stratospheric ozone concentrations. The degree of pattern similarity between models and observations increases through this period. It is likely that this trend is partially due to human activities, although many uncertainties remain, particularly relating to estimates of natural variability.

between the milenkovic cycles, volcanic activity, termite farts, the ongoing 12000 year warming trend, the lack of ethics and rigor at CRU, the un-reproduceable nature of Mann's claims, numerous competing theories, and the highly politicized nature of the argument nobody can say what is or is not going on.

NASA is a political organization, and is subject to pressure through funding concerns, the vicious accusations of the global warming proponents, fear of being labeled "One Of The Baddies" or "Climate Deniers" , fear of scorn from assholes with agendas in the press the capitol and the academy, and the popularity of post-modernist self flagellation among dolts like you, NASA is hardy impartial.
Yep, but it sure shut you up quick, then you started crying because the defeat was obviously ego crushing in its effectiveness.
I'm not sorry, if you were looking for an apology and a handwritten love letter, you are barking up the wrong tree.
now who is distorting the NASA position?
I directly linked the image.. Here's another edit with interesting conclusions;


350K - 105° CO2 @ 295PPM, 250K - 105° CO2 @ 270PPM, 140K - 93° CO2 @ 290PPM, Now - 91° CO2 @ 400PPM

Do you notice a trend...?

It is likely that this trend is partially due to human activities, although many uncertainties remain, particularly relating to estimates of natural variability.
"The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years."

"ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was extremely likely that climate change is the product of human activity. Extremely likely in IPCC speak means having a probability of over 95%. The claim forms part of its fifth assessment on the state of the global climate. "
between the milenkovic cycles, volcanic activity, termite farts, the ongoing 12000 year warming trend, the lack of ethics and rigor at CRU, the un-reproduceable nature of Mann's claims, numerous competing theories, and the highly politicized nature of the argument nobody can say what is or is not going on.

NASA is a political organization, and is subject to pressure through funding concerns, the vicious accusations of the global warming proponents, fear of being labeled "One Of The Baddies" or "Climate Deniers" , fear of scorn from assholes with agendas in the press the capitol and the academy, and the popularity of post-modernist self flagellation among dolts like you, NASA is hardy impartial.
That must be why every other major scientific organization in the world agrees with the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change...
a new sock puppet. how awesome.
I am not a sock puppet(what ever that means). sifl & oly was a great show though. I'm reading through your post history right now. I don't understand why you have taken to making fun of me. give me a break it's my first day here. Go ask a Moderator i just made this account silly