Man slaps a baby calls the baby the N word..

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Um, ya, how is this guy still walking, period? Calling a kid a name like that would have had me out of my seat immediately whether it was my kid or not...and putting your hands on him?? Oh hell no. They would have had to land the plane.
To be fair the baby had an arizona ice tea and a bag of skittles. The man showed a lot of restraint by not shooting him.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Let me say this I never condone anyone smacking a baby. I'd have killed him if he touched one of mine.

I caught this, that she had the baby on her lap for the flight from Atlanta to Minneapolis. I think that we need a rule change that once a baby becomes a toddler that they need their own seat. I've have flown on a flight, thank God not in my row, with a child seating on mommies lap for the flight. The kid was grabbing everything in sight. If she had purchased a seat for the toddler she could have put some distance between that drunk fool and her child.
Yea, because two feet of space would have stopped any baby with ears popping from crying. It also would have erected a drunk force-field that would stop a racist alcoholic.


Active Member
Looks like baby slapper lawyered up. I wonder what he'll face? The mother said she was shaking to news reporters. Seems like she was more scared flushed nerves and handled her situation differently than any of you tough "I'd kill him" parents. That is what the law is for, think before you try n take justice into your own hands is what I am saying.


New Member
I dont get why someone else did not intervene . I would have kicked his ass to the back of the plane .. I don't take kindly to those that abuse children or animals .. Trash people as Carne said . This man is a prime example of a human that is trash .......


Well-Known Member
ppl have a totally different personality on airplanes. but i gotta say i hate crying kids when i'm flying. it would have been kinder just to give the poor kid a tootsie roll. maybe he had an ear infection for christ' sake.


Well-Known Member
99 cent earplugs and he would have kept his job. Personally I would have restrained him in such a way a little pressure added would have caused alot of pain but not a breathing obstruction restraint.


Well-Known Member
The only legally defensible way of countering such an assault is with a single strike, to remove the threat, or restraining him. Anything more, and you're looking at multiple felonies -- even restraining him during approach could have netted a no-fly felony (Interference with flight crew/flight.) Used to fly all the time, crying babies never bothered me, I carried my headphones, and flew business class/first class.

Toddlers as small as the one in this story cannot safely buckle into their own seat, and it's a lot easier to control them in your lap. Flying can be VERY stressful on a child. Think of the age -- teething, probably back teeth at that point, pressure changes affect the inner ear and cause increased pain in the ear/nasal passage/teething areas.

Baby's adoptive daddy is an MMA fighter, but wasn't on the flight. He was PISSED in his interview, said something like "I wish I could have been there, I feel I abandoned my family, If I had been there, it would have gone a lot differently." He implied the guy would be unable to slap ANYONE again, for quite some time.

Dealing with a drunk on a plane -- not fun. Especially one who's physically larger than you and uses that size difference to control space. The woman was scared shitless, and DID move her kid outta the way, just not enough. My lady used to be a flight attendant, and told some stories about the drunks around when she flew the friendly skies -- basically, without an air marshal on the flight, there's limited recourse until touchdown, especially during final descent.


Well-Known Member
I dont get why someone else did not intervene . I would have kicked his ass to the back of the plane .. I don't take kindly to those that abuse children or animals .. Trash people as Carne said . This man is a prime example of a human that is trash .......
THIS is what I don't understand. I get the mom being stunned and mortified and whatnot, but there were so many other people on this flight....did this not outrage them?


Well-Known Member
THIS is what I don't understand. I get the mom being stunned and mortified and whatnot, but there were so many other people on this flight....did this not outrage them?
They were on descent/final approach. Everyone was strapped in. He slapped, people reacted, but flight staff probably said "remain seated." At that point in the flight anyone involving themselves in the situation would have been committing a felony. The whole thing started really quietly, and just popped off.


Active Member
and even if the baby was the most annoying ever( my baby is cool and calm but I still don't like bringing her to restaurant089u, anyway he shoulda been a man and slapped the mom, not the babies fault ever. That's like punching a dog, not gonna win. Why are racists the most dumbtarded mutherfuckers?


Well-Known Member
She coulda done like lots of parents do and gave the baby/ toddler some nyquil and knocked him the fuck out too then everyone is happy including mom and drunk racist. ... But drugging our children is a whole nother debate....


Well-Known Member
They were on descent/final approach. Everyone was strapped in. He slapped, people reacted, but flight staff probably said "remain seated." At that point in the flight anyone involving themselves in the situation would have been committing a felony. The whole thing started really quietly, and just popped off.
Ah. I see. Damn drunks.


Well-Known Member
I've only ever taken one of my babies on a plane, and it just happened to be that I HAD to fly multiple times right after she was born. But she always slept through the entire thing. She was breastfeeding, though, so that probably helped. Everything she needed was right there in the seat with her.


Well-Known Member
The worst is when people want to take their babies to the movie theater, and loud "outspoken" people are in the crowd. Also cell phones. Fuck people ;)