
I read that Manchin is taking money from GOP donors now. The guy has even said, he might run as an independent.
If the Dems have the house the senate and the WH and they can only pass 30% of what they promised ..
That's a no beuno in today's polorized world.
There are no real democrats in West Virginian politics aside a very small percentage on the local level. The dipshit governor flipped to republican after winning his first election. There are a few decent cities in WV. The rest is third world, and working against its own interest to cement that status. At least Manchin doesn't talk like a caricature of the ignorant people he represents. That's about all I can give him credit for.
With the current GQP play that is almost an absolute that will happen
let's wait and see how many magats omicron kills, and there is still the possibility that trump could split the party and screw the republikans even more before what ever happens to him finally happens...they're all old men, Biden is 79, trump is 75, manchin is 74, Bernie is 80, Pelosi is 81...and more, a lot of 75+s in DC.
it's not even unlikely one or more of them will just drop dead from natural causes before the next election.
if the 1/6 committee ever gets things moving and appoint a GOOD special counsel who will make up for lost time, a lot of republikan politicians will be busy trying to stay out of federal prison, they may not have that much time to campaign....
the future is in motion, we just have to wait till we catch up to it
The best you can do is see if they at least go along with voting rights and reform, to protect the ballot box from cheating and counter recent republican moves. This one is in their own best interest and perhaps they aren't bought on this issue, hopefully there aren't too many lobbyists paid to oppose voting rights and election rules, most of them deal in business regulations and taxes. So the election package might get through, unless someone offers Manchin or Sinema enough money to cut their own throats.
Buggy whip manufactures are rejoicing in Canada!
Canada ‘well served’ after senator pulls support for Biden social spending bill, trade group says

so we get to see a bit of the man underneath the suit..."they're all just white trash, (or black trash, or brown trash,) and will use any money you give them for drugs.".......because there are no responsible parents out there that are using the money to buy school clothes, food, to pay bills...because responsible parents would already have those things under control...because responsible parents should be able to make it on the shit wages i'm partially responsible for them getting...
people would use paid time off to take hunting trips...why do you say that joe? because that's what you would do? i guess manchin has never cared enough about another human being to take time off to take care of them when they get badly ill...or is it just that he doesn't care about anyone not named manchin?...does it really matter which it is? he doesn't give a fuck about the poor kids in the state he represents, or the country that allows him to make millions on an industry he helps regulate.
Do you wash down your horse dewormer with bleach pedo, don't forget to shove that UV light up your goatsy ass.

No, I eat nails and do hundreds of pushups everyday with lots of oranges, mandarins and other good food. Not big on horse dewormers, but at least they haven't killed any Soccer players that I know of.

I don't have a goatsy ass, I have a hairy ass!
You should go visit your tRUmptrd relatives for the holidays, no need for those nazi masks.

I've cured a son of the Trump worship disease and now he's home schooling his son and on the path to critical thinking.
Some of my relatives are inflicted with a different variant than the Trump disease variant though, they actually voted for the killer Biden strain.

The only mask I'll be wearing is a full headed sheep mask with a surgical mask over the mouth when driving. I like to be funny and make people smile.
Many people give me a thumbs up, while some wave with their middle finger. Oh well.

You should stay home locked in your house peering out from under your bed, trembling in fear, eating unhealthy food and foregoing sunlight. The vaccines will save you, don't worry.

Anyhow, now that Trump is clearly in your camp, promoting vaccines and a bazillion boosters, who you gonna hate next? The Manchin idiot?