Mandala Krystallica in the desert


Well-Known Member
I have just ordered Krystallica and Rishi Kush From Mandala.

I live in the Tucson area, which is about 4 degrees cooler than the Pheonix area but 110+ will most likely happen, 105-110 for sure.

I'm pretty sure I'll use Fox Farm Happy Frog and/or Ocean Forest straight in a raised bed instead of 15-20 gal. containers due to cooler soil temps.

Full sun areas and also lightly shady under mesquite trees.

Osmotically filtered water, no hiking.

First grow in a long time but strong horticultural background.

Will be using all of Mandala's growing practices.

150 watt HPS for seedlings, Light Warrior for seedling medium.

Would like to keep them lower than, say 3 or 4 feet tall?

Not sure about Rishi Kush's ability in heat, might hold off for indoor?

Starch polymers, Shade cloth?

Any knowledgable feedback is most appreciated - thanks!!!


Active Member
From my experience, the 2008 edition of Krystalica thoroughly enjoyed the heat. It seemed to thrive in it. A friend and I had two 600's in a small closet with only a box fan for exhaust and it loved it. I can't wait to see your outdoor Krystali. We plan to put the new 2012 edition out this year. I've never ordered direct from Mike and Jasmin before. Please let us know how it goes.