mang, wtf are you doin


So i just toked a couple of clippings, little buds, leaves, from our six foot sativa, i feel creative and energetic, so i just had to get it off my chest ya know, the way my dawg keeps pruning our plant. I mean i trust his expertise and all but damn it seems like he is hacking it to pieces. He has been smoking that good sht so he certainly isn't above fuckin it up, although we do have quite a few colas flowering now but the whole first two feet of stem from the ground is completely bare and you can see right through the middle he has cut so much off of it. Idk maybe he is a genius but when he trims it he is just throwing all the clippings on the ground, i came and saw all the clippings this last time and that is what i am smoking now haha, i am on a budget ya know and this sht is already good enough for me. So my question is, do you think he is an idiot?


Well-Known Member
I mean if the leaves he is cutting are fully intact and all green then theirs no reason to cut. In my opinion I could see that behavior as detrimental.


Well-Known Member
Stop growing with your friend. Seriously.

Read the shit out of this website and just one up the fuck out of him because hes probably just taking a fuck load of good leaves and buds off(to smoke obviously). You dont cut off anything green unless its miniscule.


he is supposed to know what he is doing, thats why i brought him along, he has degrees in botany and sht but his explanation of this pruning is that these inferior buds, leaves and stems are taking to much energy from the main colas, i just know that anytime i have even pruned a fan leaf off a plant in veg that it seems to take a day or so to recover, this plant has been growing since march and is at least three weeks into flower so part of me thinks that while he is trying to gain more bud on the main colas that he is actually causing the plant to stunt idk he is not smoking it though because he keeps just throwing the clipping on the ground! thanks for the replies

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You shouldn't really do any pruning past week 2-3 in flower. Too late in the cycle to make changes, after 2-3 weeks you should just let it do its thing.