mannn eff salvia..


Active Member
yesterday around 3 oclock i went to my buddies dorm cuz i rolled a

choppy phil the night before, anywho.. it was aroiund 3 and my buddies

were inside watching videos on youtube of people trippin on salvia, i

laughed(shit does look funny. when its not you). but yah somehow they

got the idea to go buy some salvia. they returned with some xxx blueberry

or someshit like that, but yah i hit it once and felt really good just relaxed

laughing alot, then i saw my friend tweak like looked like he was goin to

cry or just really confused. it looked really funny and he was fine shortly

after. i decided man i want to be where hes at, since besides a couple

thizzelles weeed is the only drug i fuck with. but yah i took a fat hit and

vividly remeber looking at my friend and beginning to exhale, as soon as

my breath was almost gone i was GONE. i remember looking up into a

cuckoo bird clock then looking at a farm with three entrances and some

lady talking to me, i felt really good, then all the sudden my friend came

over to me. i then realized i was laying on the ground, apparently as i

exhaled i looked up and began to thizzface as well as make sounds of a

dying creature they then said i layed on the ground making such noises for

about a minute. i was sitting on a lounge bean bag like chair that

seperates into 3 pieces apparently i fell off the chair which caused it to

separate then i tried to put it back together upside down. i had no control

of myself for about 2 minutes it was frightening and depressing while it

happened now it just seems funny. but needless to say im not fuckin with

it anymore..

im so confused as to how something that can make you hallucinate is legal

but an unrefined plant such as marijuana that doesnt cause hallucinations

or lack of control is still illegal..:-(


Well-Known Member
Totally agree that weed should be legalized. Its stupid how salvia isnt illegal. What if people went around town smoking salvia? Or was sitting in their car in a parking lot and took a hit. What if they drove off? LOL. Ive done it before but didnt really trip. Although I did lose control of myself and had no idea what I was doing for about 10 mins...really baddd.


Active Member
the world collapsed and i was laughing couldnt control it and i thought i was in fucking seasimee street with big bird ( i was out side in the sun ) and i think the sun made me think big bird....


Active Member
forsure. if i ever do it again which i most likely wont, it will be in an empty room and im just gonna lay down as soon as i take ahit so i dont fuck something up


Well-Known Member
yeah i had my friend try 30x on his very 1st trip and was freaking the fuck out (says he was in a all white room and couldnt get out) he finally came to a lil and was pointing to the bag screaming why is this legal WHY!?!?!?! i couldnt stop laughing


Well-Known Member
It's legal because there's almost no potential for abuse...almost nobody wants to ever do it again. Weed on the other hand gets some people psychologically addicted, which is why it's illegal. Also, have you ever tried to do anything while on salvia. It's friggin hard! The disabling effect of salvia kinda keeps you from doing anything too dangerous. Even then, Salvia will probably end up being made illegal in less than a decade (already illegal in some states).


Well-Known Member
yeah my salvia trip was crazy as my friend fills a bong with the shit and i rip it later finding out it was 40x's and like 10 minutes they said i was tripping balls in a world made of paint and thought i died and tried fighting my friend cause i thought he was the devil...very strange but i will try it agian but it took me a year an a half to want to do it again.
yeah its ilegal in some states and its sold as an incense that is meant to not be smoked is the thing.your not supposed to consume it....


Active Member
It's legal because there's almost no potential for abuse...almost nobody wants to ever do it again. Weed on the other hand gets some people psychologically addicted, which is why it's illegal. Also, have you ever tried to do anything while on salvia. It's friggin hard! The disabling effect of salvia kinda keeps you from doing anything too dangerous. Even then, Salvia will probably end up being made illegal in less than a decade (already illegal in some states).
you just dropped some deep shit


Well-Known Member
i smoked it once out of a bong on the beach... i thought i was gonna die lol sweating .. didnt know were the fuck i was... after that im like fuck this shit... lol


Active Member
Yeh thats it or you can get it at your local headshop. The trip is confusing sometimes scary and usually leaves you with a weird feeling, can't really describe it. I would reccomend to try it once but it may be the only time you ever try it :). Anyways just be careful and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeh thats it or you can get it at your local headshop. The trip is confusing sometimes scary and usually leaves you with a weird feeling, can't really describe it. I would reccomend to try it once but it may be the only time you ever try it :). Anyways just be careful and you'll be fine.
cool thanks,

might give it a go.

how do you smoke it? can you just roll it up?


Active Member
Ive got the best results out of a bong and hit it and hold it in for 30 seconds exhale and for the next 10 min ur in a different world but just remember relax and chill and remind yourself if you freak out it'll be over soon.


Well-Known Member
The reason salvia isn't illegal is because there are no drug "traits" in the chemistry of it or whatever. What the court system says drugs are, salvia doesn't have. So now the US is having trouble banning it because it legally isn't considered a drug.


Well-Known Member
Yea if u bug out easy or trip real easy... It will be ur first and last time .. Like me... Hey i had to try it tho lol ... Just isnt for me ...


Well-Known Member
i tryed it once it was 7x took 2 bong hits then i felt like i was drunk and it felt like the room was on its side and i was being pulled down and left. wasnt that great probly wont do it again


Active Member
I would use a butane lighter and a bowl or bong, preferably a water bong. I really had a pretty good time the first time I tried it but I was with some friends I had tripped with before on LSD and was pretty relaxed so...