Manually cracking seeds. SUCCESS


So i had some seeds i bread myseld, tga jacked up. I harvested this plant about 45 days ago. Last week i put about 40 beans in a few sepperate cups of water, then transfered them into a ziplock bag with paper towels on a heatmat. I checked them every day for a over a week and a half and not a single one cracked.
I thought to myself, "maybe they arent ready yet." So me, being me, i got curious and decided to open one up and figured since theyve been in moisture for so long they would be soft. So i pinched one and nothing, squeezed it as hard as i could and barelly heard a crack. So i got a pair of needle nose plyers and gently squeezed until it split open, but not so much where i crushed the delicate insides. I peeled away the shell and noticed it was trying to grow, but didnt have enough pressure to pop the seed. It took me a lot of force to pop.
Now, i know theres many reasons not to do this, and its quite unorthodox, and frankly, i just wanted to see if doing this would work. Since the shell was removed, i have the bag just sitting in my shower downstairs under a 400w hortilux blue with some other plants. I manually split these seeds open less then 24 hours ago, and some are now an inch long.
If anyones curious i will post some pictures. Unfortunatelly i did not take any during my process of shell removal.
Additionally, some of these beans were scarified, with a few different methods. 1 being put in a rolled tube of sand paper and shook. 5 were shooken for 2 minutes, and 5 for 10 minutes. Then 5 were scraped with a razor blade slightly, and 5 scraped quite deep, but jot all the way through. And about 15 left co pletelly natural. I was intending to test if scarifying worked better, and what process stood out. Still, NONE popped after 10 days. Should i have waited longer? Possibly. Did i? Well, im impulsive, so NO!

In truth, i figured they werent going to pop, and nothing was lost. I also did throw about 20 beans in a cup 5 days before this, and none of them popped either, which lead to this test. But those beans are now in the ground, outside in my garden. Ill just give them as much time as they need.

Its kind of nice growing your own beans, you ca throw 50 or so around for "testing" and not dent the bank account and have your wife give you smart ass remarks for the rest of your life. Lol!