Many questions about grwoing indoors.


Active Member
I did allot of research and such on growing, I already know the basics and started to grow my plants. They are about 11 inches tall now and are growing pretty nice, I also have two smaller one that are about 5 inches tall. I went to go get some nice plant food for them today but there was no 20 20 20 mixture, so I got 30 10 10 it says for acid loving plants is this ok, or is it two much nitrogen? They are in there vegetative state... I will take pics of the plants and the set up tom when I get home from work so you guys can let me know how they look. Also I own a paintball style c02 tank would it be good to spray them with that every ounce and a while from a distance?
Thanks KushKiller


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Look forward to the picture. No, you will be wasting your money. The plants don't need a nd can't use the extra co2 during vegetative growth. Unless you have air movement controls in place anything except passive co2 systems are a waste IMO. VV


Active Member
Have a slight problem I am not sure if it is because the plants are two close to the lights, but the top layer of leafs on my biggest plants are all burning up and dieing. So I turned off the light hanging above them and just left the other two light on, one is at the middle level of the plants and the other is at one end of the growing space.


Active Member
what kind of lights are you using? With fluro's, you can keep the plants a couple of inches from the lights. HIDS-You need 8 inches to 2 feet depending on size of the room and ventilation. Need more specifics.


Active Member
Thanks for all the input, at the time I am slacking, my plants out side are growing great this Florida weather is really doing the trick! But In regards to the light they are just the light you put on top of a fish tank, the ones with the long bulbs, one of them emits a blueish color light and the other one if just clear, and I also have a light that I got from wallmart it is a 65 wat light bulb it said it was for growing indoors. I don't have all the money to have a great big setup im just trying to do this to save my self some money. I know my yield will no be great and all but hey its just for me.

what kind of Light should I get I am limited to wallmart and home depot.. I am growing in a small cabinet right now because my grandma is staying in my room for a week more she has been here for 3 weeks and I dont want her to know. when they wherein closet they where growing great now there going down the pooper. But this up coming Tuesday They will be moved back into the closet. the closets dimensions are about 4' wide by 4'deep and 7' tall...


Active Member
If this is your parents house please do not do this, you would be putting them at risk. VV
I am 19 and they are allowing me to do it, they are into the great quality's and they also like it cause they wont have to take 10 pills a day they can just smoke for free...
put it this way it this way:blsmoke:/it was my mom's idea to start up a little grow room ....:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok, you can understand our point, glad to here it helps your folks. That closet size would allow you to have enough for three if you can setup a seperate mother/cloning area. Could be as simple as putting a couple of mothers outside, let them grow naturally and take a few clones from them as you need to. You might want to check out SeeMore Buds book Marijuana for less. Covers everything you need to know, 8oz from three females, total investment less than $100.00. VV


Active Member
Ok, you can understand our point, glad to here it helps your folks. That closet size would allow you to have enough for three if you can setup a seperate mother/cloning area. Could be as simple as putting a couple of mothers outside, let them grow naturally and take a few clones from them as you need to. You might want to check out SeeMore Buds book Marijuana for less. Covers everything you need to know, 8oz from three females, total investment less than $100.00. VV[/quote]

what do you mean?


Well-Known Member
There's a step-by-step book / guide that, if you grow three female plants exactly as the guide says, should get you a yield of 8 ounces. The cost of materials are under $100.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you can understand our point, glad to here it helps your folks. That closet size would allow you to have enough for three if you can setup a seperate mother/cloning area. Could be as simple as putting a couple of mothers outside, let them grow naturally and take a few clones from them as you need to. You might want to check out SeeMore Buds book Marijuana for less. Covers everything you need to know, 8oz from three females, total investment less than $100.00. VV[/quote]

what do you mean? VV:blsmoke:


Active Member
Hey guys I just recently went to home depot and bout the following products, Black Cow soil, two 150wat cfl lights the ones that go in a regular light fixture, as well as two 25 inch long bulbs that go in my long dome lights "those lights say natural sunlight, if this right lighting... lmk I also was wondering what is the best reflective material I can get at wall mart/Home depot, I do not want to paint the walls............ I am deff going to take pics tom of what the plants use to be in and what they are goign to be move back into tom...


Active Member
They are doing great, I got happy frog soil, and bat guano as well as a ph tester, all from a hydroponics store..... I have pics I will post them soon.