Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Taking on the racist sexist establishment sure works up a thirst.

After a long day of taking on the system, nothing beats an ice cold PEPSI

Oh no, the horror that awaits! Whites mingling with others. It gets worse! They are actually supporting them! No wonder your shitting your pants! I hear someone has some paper towels to throw around.
Whites mingling with others. It gets worse! They are actually supporting them! No wonder your shitting your pants! I hear someone has some paper towels to throw around.

The state of western civilization is very interesting & peculiar. You have leftists proclaiming their hatred for whites and western civilization, yet they refuse to back up their talk and LEAVE because they are too "racist" to live in a brown country.

They are like a deranged spouse - that hates their spouse but refuses to get a divorce because they can't make it on their own.

All of America's major issues would be resolved with a split, but the left feel they would be lost without the adults.... and they would RESENT the adults for abandoning their spoiled bratty children called leftists
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God you are hitting all the fascist right wing talking points.

I feel really bad for you man, whatever tragic events shaped you into being a cuck for these idiots in the Republican Party must have been rough.

The tragic events were simply being a Democrat for quite some time like a good boy.
The tragic events were simply being a Democrat for quite some time like a good boy.
Then they started to become diverse and your male fragility got all shattered and the hate mongers won you over?

lol are you just another brainwased cult member? I could at least have understood if you were in desperate need for the cash that you troll for, but to be so stupid to get caught up in the lying propaganda it really is just pity that I feel for you.

It took 2k mules last time, and things have gone quite downhill from there.
lol check on another peice of right wing propaganda that you are pretending is real.

Did you see the one on Chucacabra too? It is also not real.

I do not disagree that Dems backing Maga could backfire in a big way.
Supporting by saying they are wrong for America?

Anyways, your posts are no longer differentiating from a bot, so have a good night trolling comrade.
You could offer leftists everything they wanted on a SILVER PLATTER - their own country with no guns, mass abortions, no religions (except the brown ones of course!), EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER WANTED

They wouldnt take it - because they KNOW their society would be the laughing stock of the world.

So instead they demand to live among people they HATE - and create problems for all of the decent people.

Historically, i don't think there has ever been a clearer line as to who is right and wrong and who is good and bad. It's blatantly OBVIOUS to everyone
You could offer leftists everything they wanted on a SILVER PLATTER - their own country with no guns, mass abortions, no religions (except the brown ones of course!), EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER WANTED

They wouldnt take it - because they KNOW their society would be the laughing stock of the world.

So instead they demand to live among people they HATE - and create problems for all of the decent people.

Historically, i don't think there has ever been a clearer line as to who is right and wrong and who is good and bad. It's blatantly OBVIOUS to everyone
Please keep telling us what we think and do ?
:roll: :clap::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Please keep telling us what we think and do ?

So tell us the policies YOU WANT for a country


You demand EVERYONE be FORCED into your authoritarian adolescent worldview that even YOU admit would collapse on itself
Please tell us the right wing platform first ?

My platform is the same as the non-White world & also the same as the founding fathers of America

Reject diversity/multi-racialism

Everything outside of that - is up for policy debate
MOST of which - the left would obviously lose on merit - but they might conjure up a good idea once in a while and should be heard
So tell us the policies YOU WANT for a country


You demand EVERYONE be FORCED into your authoritarian adolescent worldview that even YOU admit would collapse on itself
That Disney diversity training really got to you huh?.....You shouldn't drink this much, it's bad for your liver.
So Trump orders Spygate and Russiagate docs published by DOJ and they simply do not comply, then raid his home for documents. LOL They also are not complying with Adam Schiff

Gonna get that damage assessment and see those seized documents any day now Adam, just 2 more weeks!
The smoking gun, the walls are closing in and yada yada.