Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

You mean the one that you posted dated 2 days before he was set to leave office and after Trump's bullshit insurrection attempt failed and he spent the remainder of the time crying like a baby and not doing his job?

lol yeah I am sure people who are looking out for the best interests of the nation were really going to rush that through for him.

Vote progressive values in November, because fuck equal application of the law, application depends on party affiliation.
Lol that sounded all French in my head. Like, le sigh. You could just lighten up a bit and specify. I'm thinking "b" word but idk. THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW AND THESE ARE THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES.
President Biden?

As for the rest of it, I provided every datum you need over the past two days. Integration is your prerogative; far be it from me to cheat you of the accomplishment.
Vote progressive values in November, because fuck equal application of the law, application depends on party affiliation.
The best strategy for selecting who to vote for: Vote for who you want to have the office in the primary and the most progressive in November.

Example: In 2020, I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primary and Joe Biden in November. I'm good with that.
The best strategy for selecting who to vote for: Vote for who you want to have the office in the primary and the most progressive in November.

Example: In 2020, I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the primary and Joe Biden in November. I'm good with that.

I'm heavily leaning towards the locals as of slightly more importance given the climate as of late. Kinda like a seat belt in a car or a lifeboat on liner.

How Trump’s Attempt To Hold Onto Power Led To The FBI Search At Mar-A-Lago
3,987 views Aug 22, 2022 While Trump was obsessed with the 2020 election during the final days of his presidency, West Wing staffers fanatically tossed documents into boxes that were shipped to his Florida home. Some of those boxes included some of the government’s top secrets. Former FBI Special Agent Asha Rangappa and Staff Writer at The Atlantic Tom Nichols joined American Voices with Alicia Menendez to discuss how Trump’s view of power landed him into legal jeopardy.
My platform is the same as the non-White world & also the same as the founding fathers of America

Reject diversity/multi-racialism

Everything outside of that - is up for policy debate
MOST of which - the left would obviously lose on merit - but they might conjure up a good idea once in a while and should be heard

All men are created equal and that is self evident, and this is a rejection of multi- racialism? Seems like a cul-de-sac.
imagine placing that at the entrance to your shop... sure keeps out the people you don't want, I guess.
it works here in reverse, there are two "trump stores" here...because we get redneck retarded tourists...but you can tell what people think juts watching them walk by...the rednecks love it, and everyone else varies, from amused disgust to out right revulsion...i've never stepped foot in one of them, and doubt i ever will, they only way i could imagine wanting anything they have is to use it in some kind of diorama featuring how much i hate his guts
Vote progressive values in November, because fuck equal application of the law, application depends on party affiliation.
You made a mistake in your propganda, you meant 'Vote Regressive values' for your sentance to make sense. Because it is the Regressives in the Republican party that think that the rules of our nation should not apply to them.

Like Trump pardoning his campaign manager who was smuggling data to Putin on American citizens and election strategy to help his attack on our 2016 election.