Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Imagine all those ‘grown “men”’, thinking there’s ONLY ONE & they have to find out WHO HAS IT *NOW*
why would they care? to listen to their wives and girlfriends, they didn't give a shit when they thought all women had one, why would they care now?
want to see the face of a woman who never gets to come? look at all the pictures of maga women in this and all the trump threads...pinched faces, mean mouths, tight ass cheeks that make them walk funny...then look at the fucking gravy seal morons they married, or at least have the poor taste to be fucking now...but that is the role of a woman in trump's Amerikkka, a vessel to carry more christian zealots that can be groomed into warriors of the "light"....and vessels don't need to be sexually satisfied, they just have to do what they're told
It was an interesting listen. "How come he doesn't?" was a rhetorical question and not one he answers in his essay. He does present a good discussion of what he considers Christian values that is based upon an ancient history. Events on or around 305 AD represents the end of the Christian faith that Gerson discussed, if there ever really was such a thing.

305 AD was when Flavius Valerius Constantinus made a bargain with God that if he helped him win a battle, he would replace the pagan Roman religion that was based upon the pagan Greek religion and elevate Christianity as the one true faith of the Roman Empire. He won the battle, eventually was crowned Emperor and Christianity became forever linked to absolutist authoritarian government.

Authoritarian leaders are oriented around social dominance.

The characteristics of authoritarian followers are:
  • fiercely loyal to the leader.
  • fearful of change.
  • resistant to contrary evidence or arguments.
  • aversive to introspection.
  • deficient in empathy.
  • skeptical of equality.
  • conventional in lifestyle.
  • dogmatically religious and yet unapologetically amoral and aggressive in support of anything advocated by the leader.
It is the last one that is the reason that authoritarian followers who call themselves Christians do or countenance acts completely out of line with the teachings Gerson promoted. They have been doing it as so called Christians for almost 1700 years. They were doing the same for much longer but not under the guise of Christianity.

You have completed me. Thanks to you and all for listening. That we've gleaned a glimpse in this almost 5 Billion year old planet- it survives, but man has had many re-starts trying to find its way.

I find the period of interest because you had the Vikings, Mongols etc enter Christianity all under one god instead of the paganism with many gods of the true warrior. Those two groups were pretty hard to beat. Early on the wrapping of a child's skull was to signify allegiance to one or the other. In the end Viking Graves were exhumed and reburied in what was thought the Christian way. Finally, there would be peace. Kumbaya.

I'm also interested (not for this conversation but in general) The Bog People of North/Northwestern Europe..and a budding Egyptologist.
Fuck no, they gotta rattle Trump's cage! However the J6 hearings will continue and perhaps the trouble in Georgia, then there are the leaks. Ya gotta keep Trump dancing and howling right up to the election, though this election season bullshit gives the DOJ an excuse for not busting his ass too early. I figure they will want to keep Donald motivated, so shit is gonna happen anyway, then again Joe can trigger him anytime he wants. :lol: I wonder what the effect of Hillary and Obama coming on the scene and shitting on Donald would have? Hillary could go on about her emails and play clips of Trump calling for harsh penalties for violating the secrets act etc, really put the screws to him on a TV event! Call him an idiot and say only a fool would do what Trump did, what a moron and lazy slob, tell the truth! Like I said, ya want Donald freaking out all over the place, eager to grab any mic and spout stupid shit.

Trump Investigations Face A Dilemma Before The Midterms
6,370 views Sep 5, 2022 Justice Department officials are debating how an unwritten rule should affect the criminal investigations into Jan. 6 and the former president’s handling of sensitive documents, according to New York Times reporting.
She was appointed by Trump at the behest of the people who brought us the current Supreme Court
You know the fix is in
It's OK, everybody knows she fucked up here, Garland wants the delay anyway, no rush. In fact if Donald could delay his prosecution until well after the new year it would probably be best. That will give the democrats time to pass new domestic terrorism laws (if they win) for when the do indict him and his base goes nuts and then to jail. However I figure Donald will go down shortly after the election, during the election the DOJ will be busy keeping an eye on the Trumper fanatics counting the votes and trying to commit fraud. You just know that most of the Trumpers who lose will demand recounts and scream fraud.

Judge Grants Trump's Request For Special Master To Review Seized Mar-A-Lago Documents
32,460 views Sep 5, 2022 A federal judge in Florida has granted former President Donald Trump's request to appoint a special master to review classified documents retrieved by the FBI at his Mar-a-Lago residence. NBC News' Ryan Reilly and Kelly O'Donnell report the details of the order and how this affects the Department of Justice's investigation.